Part Two

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As the night approached, Harry woke up from his nap with the hope of starting fresh.

Hope is what has kept him alive for all these years. Endless optimism.

If he believed, anything was possible.

Harry traveled outside the western village to a place where the merchants were not as familiar with him or his techniques.

Cats were not that uncommon in Kiacia. They tend to roam the village market and steal things.

Harry glances at Dusty, "I'm thinking today is a strawberry day," Harry says, looking towards a fruit stand.

His stomach growling at the thought of the juicy fruit.

Thoughts of this morning running through his head as he watches the clerk yell at a woman for haggling.

"If I allowed you to haggle, then everyone would demand it. I would make no money. Have nothing to live on nor for!"

The woman left sadden by the altercation. She had long dark brown hair cascading down her back, remaining him of his mother. Tucked into her arms was a small child.

"Yes. It is a strawberry day." Picking up Dusty and showing him the booth, "you're turn, little guy."

Dusty ran towards the booth.

Harry climbed the building next to the booth, until he was hanging from the balcony directly above.

The second the clerk began yelling and chasing Dusty from his booth. Harry scooped down and grabbed as many strawberries as he could.

Harry creeped away from the booth and once a safe distance and hidden from the clerk he whistled causing Dusty to cease the chase with the clerk.

"Ah ha! Go away you thief!" The clerk yelled.

A few seconds later Dusty appeared next to him. Harry pulled a few strawberries out of his satchel and gave some to Dusty and kept the rest for himself.

"Ah this is what it's about, this is what life is all about." Said Harry, taking a bite of the fruit.

Harry sat back getting comfortable, the warmth of the sun hitting his face while he ate his dinner.

The bruises littering his body from the events earlier that morning had begun to fade.

The crowd from the market slightly dispersing as the sun began to slowly set ceasing the warmth from the day and descending colourful rays upon the building structures and white arches. The setting sun fanning out it's orange and pink beams to sparkle against the the shiny arches like ancient golden stars.

Within the crowd were locals. Men, women and children dressed is silk or cotton, colouful clothes that would closely inspect each of the items they thought to purchase from the market.

Also within the crowd had foreigners. Men and women dressed in dark attire. Hints of gold and gems accompanying their black silk suits and dresses.

Sighing, Harry thought there was no better place than the breathtaking scenery than the northern village of Kiacia.

But every bright beautiful thing has it's shadows. In the village's shadows hid lean and haggard old men with torn clothes waiting to clean the mess left from the market, hoping for handouts.

This is how the rest of their life will be. Taking care of others, never seeing anything in return.

"Dusty. Come on. Let's -" he paused noticing the atmosphere of the market changed. Everyone's attention gathered towards a boy as he walked through the crowd.

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