Part Six

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After crawling through a small space, Harry was in a pitch-black cave. Subterranean chilled winds blew one moment and searingly hot wind the next, followed by a flickering red light. A gust of hot air burned the side of Harry's face.

Dusty screeched and clung to Harry's shoulder.

"Earth's own blood comes up through there." The old man explains while leading the way through the cave. They turned a corner and approached the source of the red light, molten rock. "We are deep beneath the palace."

"I had no idea there was a place like this that existed." Harry said in aw, ideas running through his head. Tunnels that go under the city and into the palace? Thats a security hole. Harry wondered if they led to the vaults with the royal's gold.

"No one knows, well no one living that is," the old man chuckled.

Harry felt slightly scared, but what would a ghost want with gold? The old man was clearly alive... And insane.

They continued on.

The old man continued mumbling to himself and occasionally squawking like a bird. Possibly having conversations with the dead, Harry assumed. He noted the few turns and splits the tunnel had and the smoothness of the corridors. Every so often, Harry would make small scratches along the walls when the old man wasnt paying attention. Knowing this route would be handy in the future.

"Listen," the old man began, "when you enter the Cave of Wonders, you must not touch a single thing. Except an old brass lamp. It's worth a million kingdoms. Touch anything other than the lamp, you will not come out alive."

"So im just meant to walk past piles of gold?" Harry scoffed. "You promised gold, riches."

"Imbecile," the old man said to himself, sounding younger than normal. "The lamp gives the power over the Cave of Wonders as well as all its treasures. Touching anything before the lamp is in your hands, you will die. You must bring the brass lamp to me, only then i will assure you your riches."

"Whatever you say," Harry shrugged.

They had finally arrived to an inglorious drain hole near the back of palace where the stables were kept. It smelt of animal piss and Harry had to let the old man climb on his shoulders in order to get out. On the brighter side, there was no one near-by to see them.

Harry finally leapt out and took a breath of fresh air. The sky might shine clear with twinking stars, though the desert sand blew madly in the wind. Harry frowned. This is definitely not a good night to adventure through the derest, but fortune favored the brave.

And he certainly wanted the fortune.

He looked at his companion with a critical eye, he looked as though he would collapse into a pile of bones.

Harry looked at a horse in the stable and after a moment he then gently lifted the old man onto sturdy looking horse.

"The stable boy whom is in charge of this horse is going to receive 50 lashes for losing him." the old man chuckled.

"We are going to be back before dawn if your words are true." Harry replied, dislike for the old man growing. "And i will tip the poor boy well."

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