Part Three

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In the deepest depths of the castle laid a mysterious room, kept secret from all but one. The room phosphorescing bright orange and yellow beams from the fire beneath the cauldron with a green glowing liquid inside.

Despite the fire, this room was cold and eerie. Nik walked slowly, impatiently around the cauldron, tapping his finger on his cane, waiting.

Nik is the king's private secretary and closest friend. Actually the king's only friend after the death of the queen.

The locals and foreigners may talk openly about the royal prince, Louis, but they most certainly kept their conversations about Nik to the night for it was said he dabbled in dark magic.

Rumours spread that the head of the cobra on his cane gave him the dark magically power over others, most certainly the king, whom he had complete control over.

Aside from the rumours, the reality was Nik is the second in common, the second most powerful person in Kiacia. He knows anything and everything about what happens in Kiacia. And multiple time people have disappeared, never to be seen again, after last being seen with him. Said to be thrown in the oubliete (dungeon) or worse.

This mysterious room was the worse.

Nik was currently leaning against a desk that had strange tools and gadgets laid on top.

Bloodied feathers, ripped clothes and silk littered the desk around the tools, caught on the jagged broken parts of the desk.

The metal of the desk was rusted and  scraped into the already chipping red paint was runes that spoke to him when he leaned closer.

The air began to shudder as if the world was being ripped apart, a black hole appeared, Nik leaned closer trying to make sense of the image.

This magic is the most dangerous and most forbidden kind to exist, the esoteric magic known to only his kind.

Văzând Dincolo, Seeing Beyond.

As Nik leaned closer, the image became more clear.

Before he got a good look Jax entered the mysterious room. Jax was acting unbothered though it was clear he was scared, bowing down to Nik.

"You summonded for me, Secretary?"

"You must find this man and bring him to me immediately. This is of utmost importance to-" Nik paused.

"The King," he finished.

Nik pointed towards the slightly blurred image.

Moving slowly trying to keep as much distance between himself and the strange tools on the desk, Jax looked at the image.

Shock evident on his face.

"A ragamuffin? He's just a boy, a measly thief, he couldn't cause danger towards the king,"

Nik raises an eyebrow at Jax's boldness.

"The Văzând Dincolo has informed me of this boy occurring in incidences that concern and entail the fate of Kiacia. It is imperative that you bring me the boy promptly!" He yelled.

"Well, indeed, of course Secretary," Jax spoke, bowing slightly.

Saluting goodbye, he quickly looked around the room.

"Where is Kevin?" Jax asked.

"What?" Nik asked no longer paying any mind to Jax, attention on the cauldron.

"You-your... uh... the... um... pigeon?" He stuttered. "He is always nearby but not right now."

Nik glanced at Jax and chuckled darkly.

"Possibly eating berriers elsewhere, i believe."

"Oh, ye-es. Very well." Jax cleared his throat. Quickly walking out of the room.

"Hmm," Nik spoke aloud towards the image of the ragamuffin. "You're the only person who Văzând Dincolo says can enter the caves and make it out alive. Of course, my little diamond in the rough."

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