Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It was this evening when I couldn't contain acting like a normal person under surveillance anymore.

Was it just me, or was it normal to get all tingly when I know I'm being watched, and start acting 10 times weirder than I was supposed to?




"Romeo! Where art thou, Romeo?!" I stood on top of the couch, one leg on the armrest and both arms in the air, pointing at the ceiling.

"Why hath you abandoned me at twilight?!" I started screaming, hoping that L could hear me through the cameras or something.

"When thou are so cold and so light?!" I dramatically took a hold of the attached pillow on the couch and tried standing on it. My body wobbled a bit before I croaked out another random line.

"I shalt ruleth the world amidst the vampires at twilight!" I choked on my own saliva before turning into a coughing blue fit. How the heck did I go from abandoned love to ruling the world-

"...What are you doing?" Light's voice wheezed through his nose when he saw my giggles rolling around the living room.

"Shakespeare," I snapped my fingers at him, coughing out some more before slapping my hand to my forehead with a flick of my wrist. I cleared my throat.

"Wherefore art thee so quite quaint in the moonlight?" I threw my hand towards my older brother who stared at me with a flabbergasted expression.

"Did you just call me beautiful in the moonlight?" He pinched his nose and scrunched up his face. "How do you even know Shakespherian-no, why even-"

"Tis not for us to answer fate, we shalt only falleth to our inevitable doom!" I swivelled my arms in the sky, bending downwards into a stretch before jumping down heavily from the couch.

"Aghast! Behold the monster in front of us, tis our loveth yond drops of sorrow us apart!"

Honestly, I felt high on dopamine, which I had no idea where that came from.

"I think she's being affected by the cameras." Ryuk also blinked in wild amusement before chuckling as usual from my eccentric display.

Light stared back at me blankly before wheezing out another snort.

"Okay, I'll stop now. I just needed to get the dopamine out of my system." My voice cracked from all that screaming, clearing my throat once again before I started coughing from the dryness.

"You are so weird." Light muttered before going into the kitchen and coming back with a glass of water, which I gladly threw down my throat.

"Hey, a genius needs to be crazy sometimes." I puffed up my chest and grinned before walking to the table and placing down the cup. "That's where the inspiration comes from."

"I wouldn't call you a genius." Light glanced down at me, bemused. "Maybe just above average."

"Hehe, average for the little girly? You might be making a bit of an understatement there." Ryuk's paws were in front of him as he whirled around the basket of apples.

"Oh apples, apples, you look so scrumptious, my lovely apples!"

"Achem, you're talking to someone who will potentially be your classmate two years later." I flung my arm around my brother's neck as he shifted forwards because of my weight.

"You're planning to graduate that soon?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Oui, monsieur! I plan to finish a total of 29 courses within this year so my transcript will be completed by September!" I grinned mischievously.

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Where stories live. Discover now