Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

The sound of ringing filled my ears as I heard the noise from my captive's actions halt.

"...what is that?" his shoes shuffled away before fumbling with something. A moment of silence passed before a snort escaped from his lips as he cackled in glee across the room.

"Alyona! You never told me you had a brother!"

I had

I heard a click before a man's voice rang out of the speakers.

"A little warning for you, little brother, but it seems like your sister is about to break in my hands."

"...Who's this?"

This voice...

"The one who captured her, of course," I heard my captor scoff before insulting the caller an 'idiot.'

" she there?"

I heard a chuckle before the man yanked me up by my hair and held the speaker next to my ear. I whimpered quietly against my own wishes.


My eyes fluttered open at the name.

"Li...ght?" My lips quivered as tears started falling down uncontrollably in relief. In the corner of my eye, I glanced at Hugo who was scrunching up his face to listen to my conversation. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips were pursed in a confused manner.

Yes, Light and I were talking in Japanese.

It seemed like Hugo had not taken enough Japanese classes yet.


Light Yagami.

My brother.

He brother.

I was Sayu Yagami.

I was Alyona, Henrik's adopted daughter.


I had killed my parents.

They didn't exist anymore. Not in this world. Not ever in my world again.

Get over them.

A barely audible chuckle seeped past my lips before widening at my situation. What a truly ironic birth I had. They were the ones that brought me to this world, yet they were also the ones that destroyed me and killed everything that I had.

Wait, Light was not supposed to know about this-

"Light, don't come here." I trembled into the speakers and tried to strengthen my voice.

"...How long can you hold out?"

"Don't you..." I wheezed out with a wobbly grin. "Don't you trust me?"

"I do," His voice answered back almost immediately after my question. "...But that's why I cannot afford to lose you."

The line hung up.

Hugo froze at Light's words before a crack spilled onto his lips.

"Heh, looks like your brother is much closer with you than your father," Hugo smirked before threading his hand through his hair with a perbed smile. He pivoted on his foot as the end of his shoes clanked through the warehouse before leaving and locking the large doors.

I blinked at Isame who got up staggering, a chain also bound to her leg before she collapsed in front of me, holding a plastic water bottle. Her knees were scraped from the endless attempts to crawl over to me as well as her hands that she instinctively started scratching the moment I took the water from her hands.

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Where stories live. Discover now