Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

I had told Light my own ideas about the mafia and how it would help us in the long term.

"You want the mafia to search out the orphanage?" Light's lips lifted in a very keen smile. I said nothing but only watched him with the same amusement, silence taken as a 'yes' as Light nodded his head, walking forwards to the couch I was sitting on in my school door mentries. He sat down, crossing his legs before leaning back to listen intently.

Of course, Light had never been to my place in America, and with the excuse of needing to 'comfort' me, Light had left the Kira Taskforce, Death Note in hand before actually throwing me into the bed to 'comfort me.' I really had to thank my training and exercise given by the mafia or else I would have had a sore spine today.

"I've been one of the boss's favourites recently," I smiled softly before taking my eyes away from him to look at the clock that was hung across the wall, noting the time of 1:00 pm.

"He gave me my own base."

My eyes drifted back to meet Light who had his eyebrows quirked up as if not believing that someone that calibre could become a mafia boss.

"You're going to use your members and Death Note to search out the orphanage," he said slowly as I nodded.

"We don't know much about the orphanage except that it is located somewhere in the western countries. I'll start by tracing L's first case and his roots with my group," I answered before shifting my leg across the other one, leaning forwards and looking at Light with an amused smile.

"It's hard for you to move when everyone else in the task force has their eyes on you, right?"

Light observed my expression quietly before speaking up.

"You've become sexier."

I blinked.

That was random.

"What?" Shaking my head slowly, I laughed, playfully patting his shoulder before tilting my head like an innocent girl. "Does that mean a direct confirmation from my brother to give the task to me?"

Light only mused a bit before agreeing to my proposal in giving me the Death Note along with the ownership of Rem's Death Note. It wasn't a big problem since the ownership did not give him any good since there was no Shinigami attached with the book. Light's eyes flickered to me as he continued with his side of the problems.

"Near introduced himself as L's true successor, which in the helicopter last night, you had affirmed the Kira Task force's beliefs onto me," he shrugged lightly before giving me a grateful nod. "I need to focus on catching Kira."

"Mello is gone, so you don't need to worry about him. I've also heard that Near and Mello are quite close despite being candidates for the position of L," I paused before wrinkling my nose in triumph. "Near's going to suffer quite a loss."

"Even though that boy is suffering, he will soon come to the conclusion that I am the primary suspect."

Light gave a half-smile before staring at me and playing with his fingers.

"I'm going to remove the Death Note from Misa's hands."

"Oh? Elaborate."

"I need someone as the fourth Kira, so that I could pretend to catch him in front of Near. By creating a false sense that there are more holders to the Death Note, I can extend the time I'm working with Near to furthermore prove my innocence even if the 13-day rule gets revealed as a fake."

The 13-day rule.

My eyes flashed with recognition.

The rule that shut down all L's conclusions about Light being Kira. The rule which Light himself wrote into the book deems that if the user of the Death Note does not continue writing a name after 13 days, they will die.

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora