Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

"...Sayu? Are you alright?"

Light's voice rang out at the end with a bit of hesitance. I sniffed a bit before laughing half-heartedly, staring at the pendent in hand before sighing a bit.

"I'm...just having a hard time at school."

It was an excuse, knowing that our call was being taped. On the other side, I felt Light's mind instantly turn towards the mafia as the meaning of my 'school.'

"No, it's not what you're thinking of," I shrugged before wiping away my remaining tears. "I just-"

My mouth hesitated before opening again, this time shyly.

"I miss you, brother."

The line went silent before he spoke in a low but firm tone.

"Do you want me to come to you?"

My eyes widened before ringing his words in my mind. He would actually do that for me? But didn't he have people following him 24/7? Not to mention he was busy too-

"No, it's fine. I'm just feeling a bit lonely since dad left," I said quietly before he hummed in acknowledgement. Light knew that it was just a

"We both feel that way," he said softly before adding on.

"Sayu, I love you."


My face instantly flushed as I heard him chuckle like wind chimes from my speechless state. My heart leaped out of my chest before doing a double flip, slamming into the walls of my chest.

"I've never really voiced it out, but Sayu, you are my precious sister," he uttered gently in case his previous words sounded suspicious. "I love you."

The only thing that was missing was his hidden words of 'you are mine' lingering at the end of his tongue, but he knew that his meaning had been transferred to me successfully. My mouth gaped open and closed like a goldfish before blurting out the same words.

"I love you too, Light."

What was his purpose? Light wasn't the type to say out random things or words of attachment! In fact, it was even crueller because of my plans to kill him. It was like he said it on purpose in order to make me waver. But Light couldn't have known about my plans to kill him, right?

My head twisted behind me to make sure there was no one around to witness my sheer panic. What was wrong with Light? Did he still suspect me? Was it because I had betrayed him before with the Death Note that his trust was still not placed fully with me? But I made sure to explain that it was all in order to confuse L and for his sake, there should be no reason that Light would suspect me of betraying him fully!

"Light," I said silkily. "You're not the type to be so cringy, what's with all the attachment stuff?"

I made sure to force myself to laugh at the end and play if off like a joke.

"It just felt like the right time," he said simply before teasing. "Never thought I would say it out like that?"

The right time? What did that mean? Words of comfort? To show that even if I missed him, he was there to love me? Suspicion?

"Sayu," he called out seriously from the lack of speech on my part. I could tell that he was beginning to question my overly silent voice and if he was right beside me, I could practically imagine him narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'm serious. You are the only sister for me." You are the only one for me.

"Then..." I trailed off strongly despite my trembling shoulders. "Then you'll have to know that you're also the only brother for me."

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Where stories live. Discover now