Chapter 2 - Weird nightmares.

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Ayumi's POV

I woke up and yawned. When i looked at my blanket i noticed it was all wet. My first thought was that i had peed myself. But when i smelled it to make sure it didn't smell like pee. It was definitely sweat. I Most likely had a terrible nightmare. I sighed.

"Mommm! come help me take the sheets off pleasee?" I Yelled. "Coming!" My mom said and  walked in.

"Why are the sheets wet? Did you pee in your sleep sweetheart?" My mom said.

"No.. It's just sweat. I think i had a nightmare." I said.

"Oh! I remember when you were seven years old and the same thing happened. You sweat a lot when your scared." My mom said and helped me take off the sheets.

After my mom had helped me she looked at my floor. "Why is there so much stuff on the floor? Did you Throw stuff yesterday?" She asked and picked up one of the things. 

"Uh..- yeah.. i was just mad.." I said and helped her clean up my room. 

"we're done! Let's go get breakfast i'm starving." My mom said left the room. 

"I'm coming in a second!" I said and sat down on my bed. I Tried to remember what my nightmare was about. It must have been super terrirfying.. then i finally remembered something. "You monsters! I hate you!" It was Naomi's voice. Those words was all she remembered. The nightmare must have been about Naomi.. I got goosebumps for no reason at all. 

After a couple more minutes i stood up and left my room to go to the dinning room. "Here you go Ayumi." My mom said and placed a plate in front of me.

"Thanks mom! It looks super delicious!" I said and began eating. 

"Does the pancakes taste good?" My mom asked while washing the dishes in the kitchen.

"Yup! It's yummy!" I said and continued eating.

"Well i'm glad you like them." My mom said and smiled. "Theres school in 20 minutes by the way sweetheart." She said.

"WHAT?! oh noooo! I'm gonna be so late!" I said and stood up quickly. I ran into my room and took a random shirt and a pair of jeans from my closet. I took the clothes on and ran out to put my shoes on.

"Okay i'm ready now! Bye mom i love youuuu!" I said while i hurried out of the house.

"Darling i think you forgot something!" My mom said and laughed.

"Huh?" I said and walked back into the house. My mom pointed to my bag and smiled.

"Oh! Whoops-" I said and laughed. "Bye!" My mom said while i closed the door.

when i arrived at school i heard someone yelling.

"AYUMII!" Someone yelled. It was Yoshiki. I still hated him and really didn't want to speak with him.

"What do you want?" I said and sighed.

"It's because- Wait are you mad at me or something?" he said and looked at me sadly.

"Of course i am you jerk! Please leave me alone." I said and walked away quickly. 

"Ayumi. We're all dead because of you. You're a monster." 

It was Naomi's voice again. But she was right. It was all my fault. I began crying. They were all dead because of me. I should have saved them. I suddenly broke down and screamed my lungs out. Everyone looked at me. I had never screamed so much.

"Ayumi? What's wrong..?" Yoshiki said and walked towards me. 

"This is all my fault.. It was my idea to do the chant.." I whispered.

"They'll get out of there. Trust me. But why did you think they're dead?" He said.

"I had a nightmare.." I said. 

"Ayumi.. It was just a nightmare. They're fine." He said.

"I hate you Kishinuma." I said and walked away. I didn't even say bye. I was too mad to say bye. I walked as fast as i could to the girls bathroom and went into one of the stalls. Something didn't feel right. The nightmare felt unnaturally real. Like the voice was coming from right behind me. I kept trying to convince myself that it was just a nightmare but i couldn't. I felt like a murderer..


Hiya! I hoped you liked this chapter but keep reading because its gonna get interesting!


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