Chapter 3 - Where's Ayumi..?

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Yoshiki's POV:

I woke up and looked at my phone. It was monday a few hours before school time. The date was 12th of april. Six days ago Ayumi told me she hated me. She didn't come to school the next few days.. None of the teachers knew where she was. I just assumed she was sick. I tried texting her but she never answered. I decided to go to her house and visit her. I got up and picked an outfit. I wasn't hungry so i just went downstairs.

"Father i'm gonna visit Shinozaki. Is that okay?" I asked my father.

"Yeah sure. I think she would love if you visited her today." My father said and took a sip of his coffee.

I left the house and began walking. When i arrived at Ayumi's house i knocked at the door. After a few seconds Ayumi's mom opened the door. She looked very tired and sad.

"Oh.. Hello Kishinuma what brings you here?" She asked.

"I came to visit Ayumi. I figurered she would want some company while she was sick." I said and smiled.

"Ayumi.." She whispered and looked down. "I have no idea where she is.. I haven't seen her in a long time." She said and whipped a tear away.

"Is she not here..?" I asked. I began to get worried. 

"No.. I don't know what happend to her. I miss her so much.." She said. 

"When and where did you last see her?" I asked.

"Six days ago in the morning. She left to go to school." She said.

"Hm.. When she arrived at school she began crying because of a nightmare. We both know that Ayumi loves adventures and occult stuff so maybe she's trying to figure out what the nightmare was about?" I said.

"Maybe you're right Kishinuma.." She said.

"I'll go look for her. You can just stay here and relax." I said and smiled.

"Thank you so much Kishinuma. You're always so nice." She said and closed the door.

I decided to go to our classroom to see if she was trying to find Yuki. When i arrived i opened the door and looked around.

"Ayumi? Are you here?" I asked. No response. "Please Ayumi if your here then say something!" I said. Still no response. I looked everywhere in the classroom but she wasn't there. Then i looked at my phone. There was 46 minutes till class started. I knew i had to find Shinozaki. I decided to leave the school and look for Shinozaki in the nearest forest. I didn't know much about occult but Shinozaki had told me she always went to a forest when trying to contact spirits. I walked and walked for a long time until i finally stood in front of the big forest. I was a little scared but i had to do it. 

"Shinozaki! Are you here?!" I yelled. I went around in the forest for about 30 minutes while yelling her name. Then finally i heard something.

"Kishinuma.." A voice wishpered quietly. 

"Shinozaki?! Is it you?" I yelled looking everywhere around me. 

"H-help.." The voice said.

"Where are You Shinozaki?!" I yelled.

"Up.. H-here.." The voice answered. I looked up and Shinozaki was tied onto one of the tree branches. She was red, blue and purple everywhere and dripping wet.

"SHINOZAKI!" I screamed. The tree she was tied to was tall but i climbed it fast anyway. I began crying and i don't know why. Maybe because i was so worried about her or maybe because i..- Nevermind.. 

"Kishinuma.. I-it hurts.." Ayumi said.

"Don't worry Shinozaki i'm gonna help you!" I said and and helped her down the tree. I didn't know what to do. I began panicing. 

"I-i.. Shinozaki.." I said. 

"Ambul..ance.." She said.

"Ambulance! I'm gonna call 911 don't worry." I said and took my phone. My hands shaked while i pressed 9-1-1 on my phone. Ayumi was laying on the grass looking at me. It was clear that she was on the edge of dying. 

"Hello?! Please help me! I found my friend tied up in a tree and i think she has been there for a while! She's completely wet and she looks tired. Please! Please help me!" I yelled into the phone.

"The help is on the way." The 911 operator said and hung up. 

"Shinozaki! Please don't die!" I yelled while she laid on the ground. I hugged her tightly and cried.

"I l-love you K-kishinuma.." She said. I didn't know what to response.. I was shocked.. 

"Thank y-you s-so much.." She said and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed. Suddenly i heard the sirens. I knew i had to bring Shinozaki out of the forest. I Stood up and carried her out of the forest. I could feel the tears on my chin and cheeks. I finally reached the ambulance and Shinozaki was put into it. I watched the ambulance drive off and decided to run as fast as i could to Shinozaki's mom's house. 

"MISS! I FOUND AYUMI!" I yelled and knocked hardly on the door. After a short time the door opened.

"You did?! Thank you! Thank you so much Kishinuma!" She said and hugged me. "Where is she!?" She asked. 

"It's a long story but she's at the hospital.." I said.

"Oh my god.. My little baby.." She said and began crying. "I'll give you a ride to the hospital hurry up!" she said and found her keys.


Thanks for reading this chapter! The next chapter is probaly gonna be a little shorter but i hope that's fine. 

Welp i have nothing else to say so baii!


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