7• The Week

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On a cloudy Sunday.
A pensive me sitting by the window,
enveloped by sheer notions and surmise,
to repair the corrosion and annihilate the havoc,
but I can't, is soon what I did realise.

On a rainy Monday,
I wondered who has the answer to the unanswered.
My impulsive psyche outrages every soreness.
But none came to an aid, rather turned their faces,
and my ignored question multiplies and pain, deepens.

Its a squally Tuesday,
When I am dismayed by my agony and affliction,
but unusually daunted by the usuals!
The gusty winds outside seem to be in a kinship,
with my tormented heart and my soul's rival.

Again, a rainy Wednesday.
I find myself on the edge and my life, put on hold.
The soiled diary on my lap knows me the most.
It knows how much moist my dry eyes are in truth,
yet how wrongly my imaginary gaiety boasts.

A calm Thursday.
I feel I have loosen up a little.
The faint sunlight emerging out draws my attention,
yet my bashful disposition seemingly lacks enthusiasm.
I ardently count on the sky to learn myself again.

Finally, a sunny and bright Friday.
My well earned vivacity has brought a twinkle on my lips.
I have started perceiving greatness in every obsecures.
Life appears a heaven and its grounds, a mere fantasy,
a newly arrived elation has changed me into an allure.

A calm sunless Saturday.
A gloomy air holds sway which perturbs anew.
Yet I feel my hopes, that lost its colour, are still alive.
But now, I fear, if tomorrow, clouds repeat and rain follows,
Will I be able to survive?


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