Chapter 15: Scattered

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(And thus, we have two chapters left. Gotta say, I thought it would take longer for me to type this up, but thank gods I have awesome friends who helped me out with this. I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish it! Regardless, enjoy this tragic tale!)

             "Remember! We have to buy them enough time to get everyone away!" Leia ordered as Ross held his axe.

"Absolutely, your worthiness!" Han shouted as Luke looked worried.

He wasn't sure, but he felt that he knew this person from somewhere. Ross let out a yell as he charged at the person with his axe glowing a green color.

"Doesn't matter who this person is! They are going down!" Ross shouted.

However, as Ross jumped up in the air, the echo revealed itself to be a person! This person took a step forward and raised his hand to create a dark barrier around himself. Ross hit the barrier and was launched back! As he hit the ground, Leia cast a powerful wave of light magic to try and break the barrier. As her attack hit the barrier, Luke and she noticed that the step he took affected the ground! His single step killed the lifeforce around himself!

"What kind of power does he have?!" Han asked in shock as he saw the life around that man began to die away!

"Now, you understand! I am Death itself! I am the reason life cannot exist without me! I will kill it by just being here! I simply have to touch anything of life for it to fall apart! For, I am the Grim Reaper! I am Sheeve!" he declared madly as he shattered his barrier and made the shards fly towards them! Luke ran forward to wave his hands to turn the shards into water! Luke was relieved to see the water drop to the ground.

"Ah! So, you are the Yin! I have been waiting for someone like you!" the man crackled.

"And why is that?" Han demanded as he faced the man and stood in front of Leia.

"A Yin and Yang need to exist for balance. So, do you wonder what happens if one of them does not exist at the same time?" he asked them madly.

Luke gasped in horror as Ross answered in shock, "Then, the balance between life and death would be upset! One could rule over everything! That would change everything!"

The man laughed wickedly at their horrified expressions. Luke looked at his hands and saw life growing over the waterdrops. The power was too dangerous for anyone! Including himself! This power should not be here in this time! Not like this! Han then ran pass Luke to fire his crossbow at the man. However, the man simply created a powerful dark wave to counter the incoming arrow.

"Then, maybe we should get rid of you! People living in the light that Luke sees! I don't think anyone object to that!" Han shouted as he pointed his crossbow at the man.

Luke shook his head at Han's suggestion.

"But why would that be bad? You're an amazing person, Luke! You love life and the nature of it!" Ross shouted loudly in disbelief.

"Because we are supposed to keep the balance of life and death. Without the other half, then the world will fall apart. We can't exist without the other! If one of us dies, then chaos in some form will erupt!" Luke answered as he faced the man who crackled in response.

"Correct, Luke. Now, we have to either live together or die! You can't change that! Do you honestly believe you can?! That, I, Sheeve and my descendants could become anything more than the Yang we are!" Sheeve yelled at them.

Ross then slammed his axe on the ground to make the earth shake underneath Sheeve. Han charged at Sheeve and released a few powerful arrows at him. Luke replaying what Sheeve had said to them. The last part of his words did ring in his head loudly. Leia ran to her brother and tried to shake him out of his thoughts. Luke then turned his attention to her and just stared at her. She continued to talk to him as Luke realized this is the answer he was looking for! It was the future!

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