Author's Note

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                   This Book was changed so many times! I honestly couldn't find a story to go with it! I

first tried my Thank You Fire Emblem Echoes story which was originally planned to be with the

Fire Emblem Awakening cast, but that story would've been too long and couldn't not be in this

one small book. I had to go back and try again. I knew this book was going to hold a Thank You

Story, but I wasn't sure which one it would be! The Dreamers were currently being moved to the

computer as well as being finished on the computer with the last two sets of side stories. Most of

my work was now on the computer which is truly sad. I enjoyed writing my stories out by hand.

It was always such a wonderful feeling when I placed the tip of my pencil against the fresh pages

of a notebook. I truly enjoyed reading from a book instead of a word document screen. It

sometimes hurt my eyes! However, as the world forwards, so do I. I will miss writing in a

notebook, but I will need everything together somehow. A computer does all of this with ease

which I am grateful for. I have to learn to say goodbye to an old way and move forward to the

bright and uncertain future. I cannot wait to see the future and what it holds. I along with the

people, will have to say goodbye to a lot of old ways. I am too sad that the old ways must be

departing as we must learn the new ways. After all, humans are always going to keep learning

new ways of how to solve problems, because deep down, humans know what is truly right in the

end. They know what will be good in the future for everyone. None of us want anything bad to

happen. Most of us just want peace and hope. We want to find a way to help others somehow.

Never lose faith in that when everything seems terrible and bad. We have people who really want

to do good for each other and help. This world is still amazing and something amazing. We will

have a wonderful future ahead of us , and I cannot wait to see it!

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