Chapter 8

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It was two weeks later which meant that lani only had two more weeks to go before she saw maud. Whenever he wasn't busy he was always on the phone with her which made her happy. Maud was definitely happy making good deals and money so that everyone including him was getting fed the right way.

Almost everyday, lani either busied herself with cleaning, going to miss alanise house, or just spending the day with majesty and lucky.

Maud was trying to be better at telling lani things just to spear her feelings so that they wouldn't be mad at each other. One night he was tipsy and allowed female strippers to dance all over him, lani wasn't mad but she was telling him to be careful. At first she didn't know how to feel but she knew that their relationship had to build on some type of communication.

Even though things were still awkward with their little situation they had before maud left, they still try not to make it be. Even though maud was being free from his reality he still was keeping a eye out for kalil who just up and went missing along with both the manny's. He knew that there was something shady when kalil started being flat out calm and nice. Maud knew to trust no one when it came to this drug shit because everybody always turned their backs on you. He tried to watch himself and keep hope that nobody would pull no slick shit by stealing money from him, but it was nothing to maud because he's the one that replaced the money that was stolen but he was still gonna find out who did it.

They were going back to the club tonight, and they were in Vegas so everybody knew it was about to be lit. Maud wanted to make sure that he was on his best behavior tonight so he wasn't drinking.

He knew that lani would be sleep by now so he decided not to call while he was getting ready. He just texted her a sweet goodnight before placing on his shoes.

Maud was going out real simple tonight with a plain black t shirt, grey nike sweats, and his air Jordan 1's. He had rented an apartment for the month so that he wouldn't be in and out of a hotel, he always wanted to feel as if he was at home.

Maud made his way out of the door and in the truck with Darrel making sure that he had his cash, but also his gun. Maud came out here to do business and plus he always had opps everywhere he went.

Maud dapped up everyone that was in the truck with him before he twisted his hat a little already getting a bad feeling in his gut but he tried to ignore it for tonight and not have anybody worry since they were expected to have fun.

Once he arrived to the club all eyes were on him, he always brought so much attention towards himself just because of who he was. The females swooned over him and the group that was with him, all of mauds cousins and the people that worked with him were tremendously fine in their own ways.

Maud dapped up his homie Rickey he knew from when he visit the first time as they all entered the club that was already pact. VIP was already reserved for them as they walked up the steps and onto the balcony where comfortable black couches were, money everywhere. Bottle girls going around along with the dancers already up on the poles waiting for maud.

Gee pulled out his wad already tossing his money while maud chuckled "lucky gone beat'cho ass nigga" gee sucked his teeth "man her ass trippin" he said before shaking his head while maud did the same. He stood over the balcony watching as the girls did nothing but shake their asses, some sloppily drunk. People trying to sneak to have sex but we're caught anyway although they were too much in the moment and didn't care. Maud turned his head in disgust seeing females eye him but none of them caught his eye like lani would've.

"Everybody welcome my homie maud with some love" Rickey shouted as maud nodded his head hearing the crowd of people shout for him specifically females. One managed to sneak her way into vip just to flirt with maud. She tried her best to be sexy and flirtatious as she fluffed her hair.

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