Chapter 10

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There was a time and day where lani was feeling way better than now, but today wasn't it.

Lani laid in the bed butt ass naked with sweat all over her body as she groaned in pain, but she deserved it trying everything to get her labor going early.

Maud laid next to her giving her ice to chew to cool her down. Lani laid her head upon his chest while her hair was up in a messy bun, she couldn't take any of this pain. Majesty and lucky were getting everything out to the car that both Lani and karter would need, maud also had a bag since he was staying with them.

"C'mon we gotta get'chu to the hospital ma" he pecked her cheek trying to sooth her in the best way possible. Maud walked over to her side of the bed grabbing both of her hands gently lifting her up seeing nothing but a clear liquid hit the ground as lani parted her legs and maud stepped back. "My water broke maud" she gasped.

"C'mon baby" they made their way into lani's bathroom cleaning her up although she still leaked, so she put on a heavy pad. Not even worried about a bra, Lani placed on one of mauds shirts with a pair of sweats and her slippers while her bun flopped around with different movement she did.

Maud was becoming a nervous wreck which wasn't a usual thing, but this nigga was about to become a whole father and was scared shitless. Majesty called everyone to alert them that the baby was coming causing everyone to start panicking getting to the hospital before Lani ever arrived.

After maud helped Lani get situated, they both went out to the truck climbing in while lani held onto to arm rest holding her eyes closed tightly as maud rubbed her back.

After arriving to the hospital maud helped lani into the building, seeing everyone's faces watching her groan holding onto maud "Aww my baby" miss alanise cooed knowing her pain since both maud and majesty were big babies.

Nurses came from the back getting lani into a wheel chair and up into a room down the 'delivery/expecting' hall. Maud followed up behind them along with everyone else.

They all stayed outside the door while maud and the nurse helped her into a gown with some socks, before placing an iv into her arm and checking how much lani was dilated which was six centimeters, along with how apart her contractions were which were ten minutes apart.

Reminding her that they'd be back in an hour to check up on her and the baby, they excused themselves out of the room allowing the rest of the family to come into the room.

The room was pact with more gifts for karter along with the gang and family but the room was pretty spacious so they weren't worried.

Every ten minutes lani would hold onto mauds body tightly and stuff her face into his chest to hide it from the embarrassment of her face when she was having a contraction. Maud could only sit there and soothe her while talking to her slowly in her ear.

Once the contraction whirled down, maud would give her sweet kisses just to show her how much of a good job she was doing.

Lani laughed at lucky and tegan argue over who would hold blue first, before coca joined in. As everyone engaged in their own own conversation, lani turned towards maud who seemed to be in deep thought "what's wrong maud?" Lani asked, sucking on a piece of ice since she couldn't eat anything "nothin, I'm just thinking about becoming a father. I'm really about to be somebody's father". He mumbled, lani had never seen maud in such fear before.

Mauds father was always there for him, whether it came to a baseball or football game. An award ceremony, anything and he appreciated him for that. But he knew that even as a kid the drug shit that he knew little of back then still affected him in a way and he didn't want to do the same thing for karter. Even though maud was young, he still gravitated towards it at a young age. Before meeting lani he thought it was beneficial to his life but now that he and lani separated and he realized how much he missed her, he was second guessing himself.

PRETTY WOMAN||URBANDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora