Chapter 9

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                It was now a week later that maud had went back to doing him. He and lani were both at each other's necks instead of being there for each other even a week after all that went down. Lani hated the fact that maud was going back to what he was doing so early , and she thought that they agreed to waiting until she had karter to do so.

Lani even decided to be petty and sleep in the guest room on the other side of the house. Maud thought she was doing too much but lani didn't care.

Maud had found her giving her hell but lani's hormones were going crazy "so you'd prefer this drug shit over your health ahmaud you're a dumbass, a fuckin stupid ass nigga!" Lani yelled, and the maids heard every bit of it but the two didn't care at the moment, they just wanted to get their point across.

"Mahogany what the fuck do you expect me to say, you want me to kiss yo fuckin ass every chance and not have a good income, whatever the fuck I do like I said why can't you just be there for me?" He asked as lani scoffed "how can I when I'm scared myself of my and my baby's life! You don't think about any of that when it comes to killing, dealing with drugs, or making money. That people would actually hurt those who are close to you" Lani yelled back at him, she wasn't backing down but neither was maud and he'd always say that he wouldn't argue with a female but lani was pissing him the fuck off.

"Yo when you left me you had the choice of staying or leaving when you knew what the fuck I did, so I don't know why you acting like a bitch all of a sudden" Lani just looked at him feeling the hot tear fall from her eyes as she quickly wiped it.

Maud wasn't apologizing and was looking at her the same way with the mug on his face "oh so I'm a bitch for worrying about you? You know what get the fuck out ahmaud..... better yet I'll leave myself" she chuckled wobbling past him "be my guest, you never like to hear what the fuck I gotta say about anything, you worry n shit but you'on wanna hold a nigga down and just accept the fact that he makin money the best way he can. I was born into this shit, and you think ima let it go just like that? That's not about to fuckin happen" maud snapped

"You know what fuck you maud, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you because everything that I've said obviously went through one ear and out the other". Lani stated walking out and towards their actual room grabbing her suitcase while he followed her grabbing his keys before heading out but lani didn't care although she still had to get her point across.

"And don't expect to let those strippers dance on you just to make you feel better!" She yelled after him as he shook his head going down the stairs "crazy ass girl bro" he mumbled walking out of the door and to his truck.

Lani packed her a weeks worth of clothes and the things that she needed before going out to her car off the elevator and heading straight for miss alanise house.

When she made it, she got out knocking on the door and it was pretty late but miss alanise didn't mind it nor Mauj.

"Sorry miss niecey can I stay here for the week" Lani smirked trying not to show her emotions on her face but miss alanise saw right through that but nodded.

Majesty was eating while watching tv before seeing lani turn the corner with her suitcase "what's going on with you and my brother?" She asked hugging her "he's stupid" majesty chuckled "and he called me a bitch" Lani cried, she knew it was her hormones lani never used to cry like this.

"Well what happened?" Miss alanise asked "maud feels as if it's ok to go back to his business when he litterally just got out of the hospital and is currently still healing and we got into it because I confronted him about it, we cursed each other out, he went who knows where and I came here" she stated maud was stressing her out, she couldn't be around him.

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