The Letter

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You were watching some (f/y) video while waiting for your new video to upload when suddenly your mom called you downstairs saying. (Y/n) have mail!

You had never gotten a letter from anyone before. So it must have been important, right?

Before you went downstairs you quickly glanced to see how much your video was done uploading 54%.

Once you got downstairs you looked at the letter and opened it. you couldn't believe what you were seeing. It was a YT Prep letter of acceptance not that you had applied but your (E/C) eyes glowed with happiness the letter stated. "We humbly invite you to YT Prep based on your YouTube growth and channel size. We can't wait to see you on our campus. If you are outside the USA or changing time zones. It's heavily recommended that you leave two weeks before school starts. To prevent any jet lag or general time zone changes from interfering with your studies. School starts in two weeks. I hope you are all prepared. It's best to leave the week beforehand if the following statement does not apply to you." It was signed by the headmaster PewDiePie.

With the school's phone number ***~***~**89 on the back it said along with some basic instructions.

It explained what to do how to ship your belongings to the campus and how to get them designated to your dorm room. But most importantly how to get to campus from the airport.

The letter continued "If you are arriving 2 weeks beforehand for people outside the USA or different time zones. Call the phone number on the back when you land for more instructions for when you arrive. If you arrive a week before school starts and/or you are in the EST timezone. If you arrive by plane and after getting your bags from the baggage claim. Find the bus outside with the school logo. If you get lost or can not find the bus call the number you received on the back of this letter."

After finishing reading the letter.

You looked up at your parents and desperately asked can you go.

They looked a bit hesitant at first. But decided to let you go after looking up the school. The school is one of the best in the country not only in film but one of the best in academics as well. Your mom loved the fact that it was rated the best for students with ADHD. Probably because of the fact lot of teachers and Youtubers, in general, have the condition.

You leave in three days you thought. Honestly, you had never been so excited to go to school before. It was already 5 pm. So you had to get packing your PC and guitar wouldn't box themselves you said thinking to yourself.

Time skip to the plane because packing is boring

You think those three days were the longest but at the same time, the fastest days of your life. You were so busy packing the first two days you didn't have time to think about it. You had to pack everything you needed and get it shipped in time for when you arrived.

Now it was finally time to drive to the airport. You quickly said your goodbyes to your family and 4 friends. (that weren't online anyways) And hopped into the car. The airport was about an hour away so you decided to catch up on some YouTube videos. Before you knew it your parents were walking me into the airport. You gave them a quick goodbye and a hug. Because you didn't want to miss your flight. You went through the TSA and now you are waiting for your flight to be called. You didn't have to wait long because less than 15 minutes later you heard them call your flight. Flight 395 to Los Angeles.

And now you were boarding a plane by yourself for the first time you quickly realized. And then walked onto the plane and found your seat. You started to grab out your headphones to listen to some music and looked at your (H/C) hair. It looked great today you thought. And that's when the plane took off. You watched the safety video and read the safety pamphlet. Then looked outside at the clouds while listening to your music.

You looked in your backpack double-checking you had everything for the plane ride. Earplugs Check, headphones and phone Check, Portable charger and charger Check. Some Money for Snacks Check. Most importantly acceptance letter check. You cant get to your new school without it you thought.

You started to daydream while looking out your window while listening to your music. About what YT prep could be like. Amazing Teachers, People who know memes and aren't normies, and meeting people who you have watched on YouTube and Twitch, and learned from for years. You daydreamed for about 2 hours until your playlist ended. You checked your phone and realized you had about an hour left or so left. So you decide to make a YouTube short showing you on the plane.

✈️I am on my way✈️

When you were done with editing your short making sure it was perfect

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When you were done with editing your short making sure it was perfect. You looked at the top of your phone. You still had forty minutes till you landed. So you just watched part of an episode of the chuckle sandwich. It's the only podcast you watch and you adore it.

You decided to watch one of your favorite episodes. It was the one where it all started. The story of favorite puppy. Ted and Schlatt's banter was brilliant. And Charlie just was eating vegetables vibing honestly a great episode you thought. You got about halfway through the episode. Before hearing the caption speak on the overhead. Saying we were about to land and please turn on airplane mode till we land.

Word count (986 Words)

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