Settleing in

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I just wanted this song on top because it's fun.

It was the next day. You went to sleep as you were pretty tired from getting up so early for your flight.

Time skip to next morning

You put on a hoodie some comfy pants and some tennis shoes. And brush your hair and teeth.

Thinking to yourself "I should probably explore the campus before school starts". You grabbed your dorm keys and a small backpack and put in the essentials. Your headphones, your wallet, some cash, and ur your phone's portable charger and dorm key. You then looked back at your guitar. For some reason having a gut feeling to take it with you. You decide to go with that gut feeling and take your guitar-slinging over your shoulders. You put down your backpack transferring your headphones, your wallet, some cash, and your phone's portable charger and dorm key. Into the pocket of your hoodie.

You then walk out the door closing it behind you. When you notice a flyer on the door. It said

"Free breakfast in the cafeteria from 6-10 am. A chance to meet fellow students and teachers. Before the new school year. It will also be a chance for us to tell you places on campus for buying groceries and school supplies for the upcoming year." it was signed by headmaster Pewdiepie.

You thought to yourself wondering if you should go but then again you were very hungry. And you had no food. Before you were planning on picking up some on the way. But now you could get some for free and there was no way. You could pass up free food you thought. You turned the flyer over and saw there was a map.

You then looked at your phone hoping you had time. It was 6:35 am. How did you get up so early you thought? Then remembered the two-hour shift to EST. It would be 8 am at home you remembered. Usually, on school days you wake up at 6 in the morning even though your school starts at 7. So that way you would have the chance of being late. You were just glad you didn't accidentally wake up at 4 am. (wake me up at 4 am ill stay up for youuuu)

You started to follow the map on the back of the flyer. The campus was really big and beautiful you thought as you walked. Then 10 minutes later you arrived it smelled like breakfast heaven. Bacon, eggs, waffles, pancakes, hashbrowns, etc. You look around and you didn't see many students yet. You must have been the one first to arrive. You quickly walked to the breakfast line it was like the way hotels have them set up but you could the chefs cooking the breakfast food right there and it smelled heavenly even better than outside somehow.

(sorry but quick question but does it bother anyone else if their food is touching and it's not supposed to like spaghetti and sauce there ok. but chicken and mash potatoes noo no. They can go together in my stomach but they can't touch the plate I can't it just bothers me like AGh I can't even think about it. It bothers me so much.) I know I said no author's notes but for this, I need to know.
(p.s. most authors' notes will be in the chapter titled authors notes unless they are important to that specific chapter or people might ask a question in the comments a billion times so it's for clarification. For now on (also I'm editing all the chapters rn while rereading so I can write the new one 187 words so far)

You started to put some food on your plate moving along the line. While doing so, you bumped into someone with a British accent. You looked up it was Philza. You said, "Omg I'm so sorry". "it's alright mate." He quickly replied. " I didn't know you played guitar," he said noting the guitar on my shoulders. "I do" you hastily replied trying to ignore the heavenly-smelling food in front of you. As you were quite hungry. As we were almost at the end of the line, we continued to grab our food as we walked until we got to the end and then continued our conversation there.

As you continued walking to find you both tried to find a place to sit

"I have a friend who plays guitar. His name is Wilbur Soot. Do you know him?" Philza said

"Yes, I love his music. I honestly can't decide if his music channel or Lovejoy or his main channel's music is better." "Will has a music channel," Philza said confused. "I don't think many people know about it since there hasn't been an upload in over a year but it's just a few covers of songs mostly and a few originals," you replied

"Although I do have a question, Philza, what are you teaching here at YT Prep?" You said in a questioning tone. "I'm going to be taking the Twicth part of the YT&Twicth 101 class here." He said.

Just as Philza finished his sentence someone yelled. "Phillllllllllll" they yelled. It sounded like Wilbur I thought. "The child stole my bacon and toast," Wilbur said in an annoyed tone. it was Wilbur confirming my suspicions after seeing his face. Philza brought out his dad's voice and tiredly said "Tommy you can't take other people's food."

"BUT HE WAS CALLING ME A CHILD AND I AM A BIG MAN. PHIL IS THAT A WOMAN," Tommy said looking at me. "Yes (y/n) is a student here Tommy and was asking me a question about what I am going to teach here at the school," Phil replied still in his tired tone. Philza sat down and then asked, " Would you like to join us maybe you can keep these two from taking each other's food?"

You happily replied yes and sat down in between the two. And then I saw Tommy had his Vlog camera. You then asked him "Are you doing a vlog, Tommy?" Tommy replied, "Yes woman I am going around the campus to explore and make a vlog about it."

"Poggers" you replied and took a bite of your food. Only then still realize you had your guitar still on your back. You stood up and quickly put down your guitar behind your seat. You also grabbed your phone out of the pocket of your hoodie and put it on the table.

Wilbur then asked "Do you play?" after seeing your guitar. And that's what caused you to spill over and get everything out. "yes and I love your music from Lovejoy and love how you wrote the lore on the SMP. As someone who loves making lore and didn't know others. Did as well it made me realize that I can make lore and people will get it and you made me want to start playing the guitar. I also love Philza streams there so calming and relaxing. And Philza give very good advice to the crows. "He really is just a dad to everyone and it's really nice that he does that." you said excitedly and then realize Phil and Tommy were staring at you sorry I just love Wilbur's music an- Tommy interrupted "WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME WOMAN" he said.

I think your content is poggers and I love ur vlogs and lore on the SMP. And the funniest videos are so funny. I laughed so many times I think I forgot how to breathe.

Tommyinnit was quiet .... for a moment just for a moment and then yelled.


As everyone started to finish their food. You decided to ask Tommy " Tommy do you mind if I come along with you for your Vlog? " you said continuing from earlier. "I was planning on exploring the campus anyways so I was wondering if I could go with you."

Tommy quickly pulled Wilbur and Philza said "WHAT IS THE WOMAN ASKING ME WILBUR"

you sat in pure confusion till you saw his Vlog camera now on. You then said "I was asking because I wanted to explore the campus so it's better to go with someone and maybe make a new friend than going by myself because I'm terrible with directions," you replied then grabbed your now empty tray of food. "Would ya'll like me to take your trays to if yo- not finishing your sentence before Tommy yelled. "I MUST IMPRESS THE WOMAN. MAY I HAVE YOUR TRAY (Y/N)"

"Uh, sure," you said as he took your tray and Wilbur and Philza.

"Philza, Wilbur, you said, your voice echoing with concern. Is Tommy ok thinking about how quickly he personally shifted after you noticed his Vlog camera on? He just really plays it up for his Vlog. I'm sure he's fine (y/n) Philza said."

The next one is Tommy Vlog. It will be a bit tho because of school.

Word count (1510 Words)

(REWRITING) YT PREPWhere stories live. Discover now