The Stream (still writing rn)

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Tommy and Wilbur had just left, and after watching them leave. You decide to unpack your groceries and the rest of your stuff as you didn't have much left.

After finishing putting everything away an hour or so had passed and you saw Tommy just went live on Twitch. You (JUMP IN THE CATTLACK not really) and join the stream saying the boys are back in chat. After Tommy welcomed the stream the chat seemed to be asking a lot of questions about you.

Qwertinnit Who was the girl that was with you and will

Quackity245 Tell us more about them

Innter1029 are they your girlfriend??? POGU

All right, chat Ill is if (Y/N) can call on discord.

Tommy DMS you

Hey (y/n) want to call my stream is asking for you?

You reply thinking how this single call could change your life forever and say the most obvious answer to the question........

"Yes, Tommy of course I would love to be on your stream. It would be so poggers."

The discord call song rings (play the video for like a bit ok if you don't know what I'm talking about.)

You then answer and say "Hi chat I'm (Y/N) you some of you probably saw me on Tubbos stream earlier and I'm not Tommy's girlfriend I just met Tommy today I had to sit between him and Wilbur because the child was stealing Wilbur's food and Philza didn't want to hear his kids fight all breakfast so Phil made me sit between them so they would stop fighting you say with a slight laugh."


I'm sorry Tommy, it is true we both are children but you are more of a child JUMP IN THE CATALLCAK you say.


Because of comedy, it's very funny you say trying to breathe with how much you are laughing.

You both hope on hypixel and Tommy sends you a friend request you accept and join the party of the two of you and you play some Bedwars.

As you joined the first game you and Tommy were the red team as you stayed and built a defense around the bed as tommyinnit was speed bridging "nice speed bridge you said to him"

Thanks (y/n)

But someone from the blue team came to the island you killed them swiftly using your PVP skills from over almost ten years of playing Minecraft they were dead in a flash you only wished the stream could see the epic kill you thought...

"Hey, Tommy, do you mind if I go live on my YouTube in case anyone wants to see my pov because I just got the coolest crit and I wish the chat could have seen it."

"Sure (y/n) would you like me to shout you out so the chat can find you if they want to see your pov?" Said, Tommy

You said Yes not yet realizing how much one word will change the rest of your life.

You started your stream you saw a few of your mods and discord friends and then BOOM 1000 no 2000 viewers flood in. The chat blazes by and you catch some of the similar questions from earlier. Your former mod experience came in handy.

Quackinnit how do you know Tommy?

Achettonotfound hi from Tommys chat.


You and Tommy start working together with you guarding the base and getting diamonds while Tommy goes and kills other teams and takes others' beds. You quickly at the start of the game upgrade your bed to have water on top and buy some traps with some of the diamonds and a healing pool so you and Tommy can heal up and not waste emeralds on potions. You and Tommy started to create a bridge to the but then.

"Tommy, someone is coming for our base" you said running back skillfully on the one-by-one block bridge.

Tommy rushes over to the base why you try and fight them off Tommy arrives just in time to kill them and you win the game

You then play a few more games and ended up winning most of the games besides one because destroyed your bed in the beginning.

Word Count ( 660 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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