Chapter 1

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Just a little backstory from how they meet after this is the Present.

This is,Dream's POV*✨

I woke up to realize that it's another school day.

I really hated school but that today ... Per say was different? I somehow felt happy--- like something good just happened. Even though nothing happened that was good.

After that ordeal, I Put On a green hoodie And some sweatpants Then I grabbed my mask.

Before I left I said goodbye to my mom and sister then pet my cat Patches.

"Bye mom, Bye Drista bye Patches" I yelled back into the house which had no response likely they're still probably asleep.'

I thought to myself getting my shoes on and already out the door.

Sorry time skip😥

When I got to school I went straight to my locker to get my stuff and go to class.

George's POV*✨

'Oh! I'm going to be late for class  I thought to my self running out the door with un-brushed hair so my hair was everywhere.

'I can't believe I'm going to be late on my first day at school shit my mom is going to be so mad when she gets home

Sorry time skip😥 again(I'm lazy sorry)

When I got to school I got my locker number and classes... The only problem was that I had no, literally NO idea where I was or what to do until I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me.

"Do you uh- need any help?"

"Ah sorry you startled me😥, oh and I do need help I'm kinda lost can you help me?"

I don't know why I was startled by the surprisingly tall person in front of me.

He seemed really nice so I should trust him right...I mean he is wearing a smiley face mask but he seems nice enough to trust.

He was wearing a yellow hoodie with black sweatpants and with black shoes at the very bottom.

"Okay, what's your class number for your homeroom?". Huh, why does he want my class number eh who cares?

"it's uhh... 659? I think" I was looking down at my paper when he grabbed it.

"hey, that's my classes to I Guess we're together" I was kinda shocked when he took my paper and when he told me that this was his class to I Guess I was kinda glad.

"I-Uh I'm G-George?" Damn, why do I always stutter, this just got a little more awkward😐

"well I'm Clay but just call me Dream okay"

Dream is such a weird name but I didn't really care about that I just cared that I now have a friend or a Companion to talk to.

"so what's your Dorm number?" He asked looking down at my paper

"My..dorm number is..... 673 yeah 673"

"Oh that's my dorm to so yeah you're my roommate then"

Then slight move his mask down so now I can see his light brown freckles and, yellow eyes? Then he moves it back up to its original spot.

I guess he didn't like to show his face often but why?..ill ask later.

"Hey uh, are your eyes yellow?? Or" why did I feel so stupid asking that maybe I should've just told him that I'm color blind.

"Oh! No, they're Lime green.." He Paused for a second. And his voice sounded shallow.

"your..color blind aren't you?"

"yeah, I am sorry for not telling you it's just-" I was cut off by him grabbing my wrist and taking me to our class.

"Why are you pulling me?" I asked confused.

"so we won't be late to class dude"

time Skip sorry😅 again

Dream's POV*

When we got to class the bell had already rung and we got detention.

"Ugh. my mom is going to be pissed at me.."He moaned and groaned.

"hey, I just realized... Are you British?" gosh that was the most stupid question I have ever said.

"well indeed I am why do you ask?." he just looked at me with his chocolatey brown eyes and light brown freckles not to mention his very fluffy Looking hair.

I could feel my face heat up. Do I like this boy? NO! I can't I just meet him today.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by George calling my name.

"Dream, Dream are you okay I've been trying to get your attention for 3 minutes are you okay?." Damn was I really out for 3 whole minutes?!

"oh! Yeah, I'm fine sorry for scaring you" I really didn't mean to scare him he's too nice for his own good.

Sorry time skip again

George's POV*

The bell rings for us to go to lunch so I stood up from the chair and tried to get dream out of a Trance he seemed to be stuck in.

"Dream, Dream are you okay I've been trying to get your attention for 3 minutes are you okay?." he just looks at me with a Tilted head.

"oh! Yeah, I'm fine sorry for scaring you" he stood up and dragged us out of the room.

"So uh. Where's the Cafeteria?" I Questioned him.

"don't worry about it, it's just right down the corner" he just grabbed my hand.

It was hard to tell if he was smiling or not but I figured he was.

"Let's go sit with my friends"
He remarked looking back at me.

"Oh s-sure" I Stuttered Again, I'm such a Klutz

Time skip again I'm lazy😂

Want to be got our food We went outside to meet his friends.

"This Is Darryl Just call him Bad,
Then this is Nick or SapNap,"

I shyly Waved hi they both have the same.

"Then this is karl sApNaP's BoYfRiEnD"
He said it in a weird Making-fun of voice.

Sapnap Practically was yelling at dream at this point.

"Lastly is Zak or Skeppy." He sat down next to Bad and Skeppy.

"so uh- I think I should introduce myself." I Pause and take a Gulf of air.

"I-I'm G-George" I Scrunch my eyes.

"Well it was nice to meet you, you muffin" bad spoke in a very nice way but the word muffin was still a bit weird to him.

'I Can get used to this maybe this year won't be so bad after all'


That's how we meet in the past but now I'm standing in a Waterfall cavern working as a writer and streamer.

I'm waiting for someone a best friend I met in High school To Confess something but ill go back to see how I have these feelings for him...


That's the end of Chapter one I'm still working on it and sorry for someone who wanted this done soon but I'm still a child and I need to do more stuff than just write so good luck everyone and the best of Wishes.

-love, muffin mom🍪

(Word count 1159words)

It All Started With A Secret-DNF Fanfic (DISCONTINUED IM SORRY T^T)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang