Chapter 1

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Vera's Point of View

They say nothing good starts with a lie. I mean they have a point. If we went around lying all the time, our lives would ultimately be ruined. But what if our lives were already ruined. Would the lies matter? Or would they disappear without any recognition? Hi, my name is Vera, and the whole world around me is build on lies. My name means truth. My mother gave this name to me because she knew. She knew that this government, this body was corrupt with lies. She died trying to find the truth. I pass on her legacy. There is a group of us trying to search for a solution, if there is a solution. We don't know what we are fighting for exactly, just a way out I guess. This is my story.

"Vera," a hushed whisper flew in my ear while a jolting rocking of my shoulder shook me awake. A rush of confusion rushed through. Where am I? Why am I so cold? Who are you, better yet who am I? I opened my eyes to find Brinley shaking me awake. All of a sudden a shooting pain struck my head. I crippled in pain as I looked around. There were two people in the room, Brinley, my best friend, and Rowan, Brinley's boyfriend, was behind her rubbing her back. Ok, so maybe not "boyfriend" they haven't put a label on it, or if they have, she hasn't told me yet. I mean why not? I might end him if he broke her heart, but still. They were now talking on the other side of the room. We looked to be in Brinleys room in the small apartment we shared.

"Rowan, she needed help, I had to..."

"Brin, I know it's hard, but Ve can't be your responsibility all the time. I know you care about her, and I respect that so much, but you need to put yourself and your health first."

For just waking up from whatever I woke up from, I knew Rowan was right, Brinley was always taking care of me. She hugged him tight and put her head in the crook of his neck. They were cute. Perfect for each other, they were total opposites. Brinley and Rowan taught me love. I know that is the cheesiest thing in the world to say but you could tell that they cared so much about each other.

"Hey lovebirds, care to tell me what happened and why I am in so much pain?"

"Oh, sorry..." Brinley came over to me and I noticed the cut on her chin. It started under her lip and trailed up to her nose.

"Brin, what did I tell you," Rowan came over and inspected her chin. "Sit down," He came over to me and inspected a dressing that was on the side of my head. "So, it looks like it's finally done bleeding." He took the dressing off tenderly, and started wrapping my head with another one. Then he moved over to Brin.

"It needs stitches."

"Oh," Brinley looked scared but took a deep breath. "So... about what happened." She looked down but Rowan tapped her chin to make her stop talking so she wouldn't make the wound worse.

"There was a raid on the Washington base." Rowan picked up the needle and thread it with string. "We were in the library, searching for any more information about your parents when there was a loud noise. Brinley jumped in front of you while a bookshelf was falling. It would have missed you if she didn't jump out of her chair and knocked the chair into the shelf. She saved you but also put you in danger at the same time."

"Sorry," Brinley said. While Rowan prepped the skin and put some what I assume is numbing cream on the area.

"Hey, don't be sorry, you did what you thought was right, and if that meant getting a sick scar, then you get a sick scar" I said while Rowan nodded in agreement.

"Did you end up finding anything about my parents?"

"We..." Rowan took a breath while he inserted the needle into Brin's flesh, closing the gap on the bottom part of the wound.

"FRAZZLEBERRIES" Brin screamed while she bit her bottom lip in pain.

"..did not get any information about your parents at the library, but my parents do have some things that they know about them."

I remember Mr and Mrs. MacIntyre. They were friends with my parents. Well Brinleys parents were er are friends with them too. They all knew each other. They were friends before my mother died and my father, and Brinley's parents and brother went MIA. We grew up together, and we are going to find my father and Brinley's family together.

"Any information about my parents?" Brinley asked cheerfully before Rowan made two more stitches almost closing up the gash in on her face. Apparently the numbing cream started working because she now only winced at the pain.

Rowan all of a sudden looked sad. "No, not as I know of." Brinley looked down as if she was almost going to cry. Rowan engulfed her into a hug and gave a gentle kiss on top of her head. "But hey," Rowan started, "you never know. They can have stuff that they didn't write in the letter."

Brinley looked up and smiled, tears in her eyes while she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Rowan finish her stitches and cleaned up the space. I started to get up.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" Brinley walked up to be with her hands on her hips.

"To my room?" I answered. "Also, why are you calling me young lady I'm older than you.."

"By four months!"

"Fine, but why are you making me stay here? This is your room why would I stay in here?" 

"Because I said so! Also, I don' t think that you should be moving around a lot.  I'll just sleep in your room! I mean if that's ok with you..."

"Yeah, of course. Your bed is more comfortable anyway." Brinley walked away laughing and I went to bed.

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