Chapter 8

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Heyyy so this has a TW on it so just be careful. It mentions talk about suicide, and miss use of alcohol and drugs. If you are not comfortable in reading about things like this, just skip the astiricked text. Make sure that you are ok with reading stuff like this before reading this chapter. Ok peace out people!

Elliot POV

I stared into his blank eyes.

"I-I'm" he cleared his throat and for once in my life, I thought that maybe he was going to apologize.

" I have to go." My father got up from the stool, grabbing the empty bottle from the counter going to the bar to grab another before going. But before he walked out the door, he patted my shoulder, his hot breath on my ear.

"..." he hesitated "Just't end up like your mother."

My mom was dead. To be honest I wasn't surprised. Anyone with that type of responsibility and that kind of crappy life would end it themselves. *They found her last night in her study with a bottle of alcohol and Advil. For once she looked at peace. Little red pills sprinkled around her body while the bottle laid on her chest.* Her wrinkles around her eyes seemed to soften. She looked young again. My father of course was pissed. Their marriage once filled with love ended five years ago. They barely talked to each other outside of press conferences or anything in the public eye. My father wasn't crying because he missed his wife, he was crying because he didn't know what to tell the press. He couldn't say the real reason she died. They put on the whole front that they were in a happy marriage. So he decided lying and saying that she died of a Resistance Attack worked too.

I walked up the stairs. Dad was probably in his room, drowning out his sorrows in a bottle, Karen was upstairs with her boyfriend, Thomas, and Bianca was at her friends house. She wasn't close to mom, but it still hit her. I was the only one alone. I guess I could call up Colin or Everett,  but I bet that they are more hung over than I am. I down the hall to hear Karen talking with Thomas. He was a nice guy, they had met when we took a trip to England. He had a sister, Sonya, but she stayed with their friends in England. Thomas how ever came to live with his Aunt in the US.  I walked down to her study. It smelled like old books and typewriter ink. My father made clear instructions for the cleaning service not to clean in there. The blankets and pillows on the couch still looked thrown about like the person who inhabited the space just left the room for a second. 

By the bookshelf, there is a picture, framed with a gold frame of my family. I was young, maybe eight or so. Karen just turned seven and Bianca was four. We looked happy in that photo. I took it off of the shelf to examine it when a piece of paper flew from the back of the frame. I picked the piece of paper up to find an old photo. I would say about 20 years old. Scanning the photo, there was eight people sitting at a table in the photo. A woman who had two different colored eyes, then a man with wild blonde hair and pale eyes. After that, I saw mom. She had long brown hair, and her blue eyes glimmered as she laughed at the girl beside her, a girl with dark black hair and big round glasses. Sitting down with his back facing the camera was my father. His neck craning to see the person taking the photo. Next to him were two men, one who was tinkering at something at the table with brown eyes and one who had a scar trailing on his cheek. Lastly there was a woman in the back pouring lemonade from a pitcher with dirty blonde hair.

I put the family photo back, still clutching to the paper. I made my way to Karens room. Thomas was laying on her bed while Karen was doing her eyeliner in the mirror.

"Hey Elliot," said Thomas getting up, "I am so sorry to hear about your loss"

"Thanks, hey, Karen, do we know any of these people?" I asked

Karen closed the eyeliner pencil and made her way over.

"Well...that's dad, and that's mom." The word "mom" came out on a voice crack.

"I know that but do we know any body else?"

"Well lets see..." she grabbed the photo and flipped it over. Written in pen were words. No not just words...names.

Karen grabbed her laptop from her desk and threw it on the bed. Laying next to Thomas she opened up a downloaded web browser. She clicked on the search bar and typed in the first name. First, Julie Harrison. She typed in the name up and up popped a page.

"Ok, Julie Rodgers, formally Julie Harrison. Age 44. Status." She paused. "She's dead."

I looked at the computer screen. "How did you.."

"Don't ask questions"

Thomas looked and pointed at the screen. "It looks like she had a daughter." 

Karen clicked on the link.

Vera Rodgers.

I needed to find her.

"Her name is Vera Rodgers, she's 18 and she's alive. Oh look," Karen said as her voice went quieter, "her father is in the Resistance camp in Texas."

"Can you find where she's at?"

"Her last phone ping was a minute ago at a house about an hour from here."

"Send me updated location...better yet, send me the link. I have to find her."

Karen looked at me with concern but then decided to send the link.

"You know," Thomas looked at me, "If you need help...we can help you."

I looked at him.

"Do you know how to create a distraction?"

And that's how I ended up buying a giant amount of fake explosions.


"Ok... now what?" Thomas looked at me.

Karen tapped on her keyboard.

"Well, they are coming down this street. They'll be arriving in about a minute."

I saw the car driving up and I ran. In front of the car.

The car barely touched me, so those private acting skills my father bought for me ended up pretty useful. 

The talking turned into a blur, and soon I realized that I was in the back of the car with a pretty girl looking at me.


So, yeah! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I haven't updated in like a million years, but school, am I right? Ok, peace out party people, love youuuu <333

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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