Chapter 7

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Rowan POV

There's a test that doctors do when a baby is born. It's a drop test. Now, I know what you're thinking, a drop test, isn't that a little cruel?  Well let me start off by saying that the doctors dont really drop the baby, they kind of do a swooping motion to see it the baby has natural instincts that falling is bad.

All of us have natural instincts, whether that be the feeling in your heart to go left instead of right or that twisting in your stomach when you know someone is talking about you behind your back.

My arm hit the seat while I watched Brinley fly up to the wind shield. Everything seemed to move in slow motion.

"Vera...why the heck did you-"

"Because a freaking PERSON flew out in front of the car."

I limped out of the car and opened the passenger side. Brinleys eyes fluttered at my touch but she was definitely unconcious. She looked to have a gash across her forehead but other than that she looked fine from the outside. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Vera looking at the person who ran infront of the car.

I carefully moved Brinley from the middle counsel area to the passengers side. She had a soft but steady pulse, and her breathes were pretty much even. I reclined the seat a little bit just incase I had to jump in with CPR. Also her airways would be cleared. Perks of being the son of a nurse I guess.

I walked over to Vera, who was talking to a boy who had light brown hair. He had scars across his cheek.

"That still doesn't answer my question of why the heck you jumped infront of the car!"

The boy pointed further up the road and gave a cocky smirk.

"I saved your butts"

I walked forward a little bit while Vera still looked at him. Then I saw it. A thin line of string went across the road. I followed the string to find it was tied around a tree. Behind the tree, enough explosives to blow a crater into the highway.

A trip wire. How much time does this person have to put a trip wire in? I walked back to the boy and Vera.

"He's right. We would have been blown to bits without the help of..." I said it questioning manner to ask his name.

"E-Ric, Eric, yup"

Vera looked at him and opened her mouth to say something but closed it like a fish. She got up from her squatting position on the floor, and walked over to Brinley. Her eyes still closed, but had a steadier breath. Color had returned to her cheeks. Her heartbeat had fulled out a little.

"Will she be ok?" Vera asked. Concern flooded her face.

"We'll have to se-"

"Actually she'll be fine. She would nore than likely have a concussion, but with the looks of it, no broken bones or anything."

Vera and I looked at Eric.

Vera twisted up her face in a annoyed look. She looked at me.

"Is what he said correct?"

"I mean, yeah"

"You need to shut up." She gave Eric a look saying that if he didn't, she would more than likely punch him in the face. She would. I've seen her do it before. You don't mess with Vera when Brinley is involved. They were each other's person. They were more than best friends, they were sisters.

The concern faded away from her face as Brinley's eyes fluttered, then slowly opened.

Vera practically jumped into Brinley's arms and hugged her tight.

"Woah, woah, woah," Brinley started, "Just got into a car accident here." She gave a weak smile to me. Vera let go and straightened out her shirt as if she didn't just jump into an injured persons arm.

I walked over to Brinley.

"How are you feeling" I asked looking at her head.

In one quick moment, she pulled my head down as my body relaxed with the touch of her lips on mine. She broke away after a second.

"Better now" She gave a smile but it faded as she looked at Eric.

I felt her warm breath on my ear as she whispered.

"Who's that?" 

She pointed to Eric.

I stood up, "Eric this is Brinley, the girl who could of killed because you jumped in-front of my Jeep." I paused, "And Brinley, this is Eric, the guy who saved all of us from blowing up."

Brinleys eyes went wide.


"No time to talk.." I cut her off, "...we need to go."

Vera got into the drivers seat and I limped over to the back seat. When I got in, Eric was already in the back seat.

Vera and I gave him a look of confusion.

"Well I'm going with of course."

Vera started, but right as the first words came out Brinley put her hand up.

"No, he's fine, why bother at this point."

After looking at Brinley making sure she was sjrVera put her foot on the gas, and made a u turn, getting off of the abandoned highway and onto a little road, surrounded by trees, slowly making our way to the cabin.

hey people of wattpad! I hope you guys had a wonderful day so far
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it'll be a while until a post another chapter. Love you bye. ♡

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