Chapter 4

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HELLO PEOPLE OF WATTPAD! I'm sorry that I didn't post any last week (I was in Michigan with friends) I hope everyone is having an AMAZING day! I might post another chapter this week but you know how life is. Any way, this chapter features the new character, Elliot. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Elliot's Point of View

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I looked over my shoulder. My alarm was going off. I lazily reached over and grabbed it from the bedside table.

"What the h-"

Before I could finish my sentence Karen walked in my room.

"Dad wants you downstairs"

I looked down at my phone. 7 unread texts and 3 missed calls. Looking at the screen made my head ache.


I walked in the room. People dancing, drinking, smoking, two people making out in the corner. I looked around. I saw Colin and Everett. Colin was dancing with some girl that I was sure that she was thinking she would get some tonight. She wouldn't. I almost laughed. This is what Colin was known for. Dancing with girls, leave them wanting more, then just dropping them. It was cruel but it was Colin. Everett didn't have his girlfriend like he usually did. A rude girl who would most definitely hook up with other guys. That's where she probably was tonight.

I walked over to the guys. It was Collins party and he knew that I was going to be late, but still gave me crap for it. I had a meeting with my father discussing the events that happened a few days before. Then he left to who knows where. Mom was drinking in her study per usual. Karen was hanging out with her boyfriend and Bianca was writing for her school paper, "Bentley High Almanac - Summer Edition!". It was the perfect night to see friends and get drunk. I didn't care that my father would find out. He would cover up for me anyway. Wouldn't want to ruin my families "reputation".

As I walked up Colin pulled away from the kiss that the girl and him shared abruptly. She was sober, but she had a drink in her hand that looked unnaturally pink. The girl looked agitated while she gripped on to Colin's arm obviously looking for attention. Colin turned to look at her then whispered something into her ear before she stormed off to dance with some other guy. Colin rolled his eyes and turned to me.

"You're late," Colin said with a smirk.

"Oh shut it," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"What are we even celebrating?" I looked around the huge apartment.

"Collin got into Yale" Everett gave a smirk.

"With out Daddy's money?" I acted surprised. His father bought him in the best high school in the country.

Colin gave a look at Everett and I telling us to shut up or else.

"So..." Everett started while grabbing a bottle of beer, popping the lid off and handing it to me before starting again.

"What was the meeting with Papa P about."

I took a swig of beer.

"Oh, you know the usual. He convinced Congress to pass a law stating that a person who is older than 21 can run for president. Paid the press 2.5 billion dollars to not run anything that would give him away or anything about the hundred or so missing people that made their opinions about the government known. Then we have the plan to bet the rest of the Resistance in."

A lady passed with a small sandwiches. I took one, took a bite, quickly chewed and swallowed and went back to telling the guys what the meeting was about.

"Father told me that I have 2 million dollars in the bank for my advertisement campaign and it's expected to to double in the next four years."

Colin listened with half interest while Everett looked like he was solving a math problem in his head.

"Ok, but what if someone decides to run against you. Your dad is going to freak, paying people to vote for you on top of the 4 million advertising, that's like I don't know 6-10 million..." He paused for a second to think of another solution, it didn't take longer than a few seconds"...or you can find a loophole of a bunch of people who are dead, change their death certificate, then vote from there. It'll lower the cost by maybe half a million dollars, but, It'll take years of work. Then people would get suspicious seeing their dead 170 year old relatives get taxes and bills."

I looked a Colin who now apparently heard the topic switch to dead people which dead people equal zombies in Colin's brain.

"Where is your father getting all this money from again?" Colin asked.

"Where do you think?" Everett gave a look at Colin. "The government's money Colin."

"Oh..." Colin said.

We all laughed.

"Remind me why Colin is going to Yale and not you?"

We all burst out laughing.


In fear of throwing up by looking at my phone, I shut it off and looked at Karen.

"Tell Dad I'll be downstairs in a minute."

Karen nodded, but waited for a minute. Looking at me with concern in her eyes.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I would drop the attitude before you get down, Dad's not happy..." Karen said not in a "smart a*s way but that she genuinely thought it was for the best.

"What's the matter?" I asked testing the waters, seeing if she'll spill anything that she wasn't supposed to or something that Dad specifically asked her to not speak with me about.

Karen looked down, as if considering whether or not to tell me.

"Karen?" I asked.

She didn't look up.

"Karen! What's the matter!?" I was getting really annoyed now.

She looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm not sure, but it has to do something with Mom..."

A tear slipped out of her eye as she turned sharply on her heel and walked away. I quickly got out of bed, not even caring what I had on, and practically bolted down stairs to see my Father, the President of the United States for 5 years, sitting at the island of the kitchen with an empty bottle of scotch in his hands, bags under his eyes, and his clean shaved face gone. Salt and pepper stubble on his face.

HELLO WATTPAD PEOPLE. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. We got to see our new character, Elliot, and saw kind of what he's about! I will more than likely have another chapter up this week, so stay tuned for that! Alrighty, that's it, have an amazing day <3


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