Chapter 2: Old Wound

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A/N: what is proofreading :p

With just a wave of his hand, your cell door opened with a creak.

"Now, lady. Just a quick warning for you," he started, stepping inside and crouching down to undo the chains connected to the jail rods. Once he was done, he looked back up at you. "As much as Miranda may want to keep you alive, I'd advise you to—"

You launched your foot to the temple of Karl's head causing him to smack face first into the brick wall. Pieces of the wall began to crumble into small pieces and fall atop of his hat. He groaned in pain as you maneuvered past him to escape your cell and wherever you were at. You glanced around, the gears in your head moving to identify the closest exit. The only iron door in the room appeared in your sight and you instantly made a run for it.

Before you could reach it however, the collar on your neck was pushed back by an unknown force. You let out a struggled choke as you saw the door get further and further away, feeling your body being pulled back.

"Holy hell, do you piss me off!" Karl clicks his tongue as he grips onto the back of your collar. You pull with both hands on the front of the collar to relieve your neck of the tension it has on your throat. To say you're angry is an understatement. You're tired and hungry. You're weak along with your body from the lack of fuel. If you had the energy, you're positive you would have been able to escape the moment you had awakened.

"Let me go." You hiss threatenly.

"Sorry! No can do." Karl simply says, using his freehand to open the door you had just been so close to escaping to. Your wrists are then somehow bounded to one another with a heavy cuff. You're forced to follow him as he drags you along through the door with a deathgrip on the chain that connects to the device on your poor neck. "I believe we both have an important meeting to attend."

The two of you ascend up a flight of stairs made of stone. Because of the dark dungeon you had been in, you're not used to the light you see at end. Karl speaks once more.

"As I was saying earlier, before I was very rudely interrupted," he huffs. "I'd advise you to watch what you say and do. Mother Miranda isn't the type of person you'd want to upset."

You roll your eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I know how she works."

"I know you two have history... but care to explain what kind?" he asks with genuine curiosity, side eyeing you. "She's always been deadset on finding a someone who fit your description along with..." he pauses, deciding whether or not he should say anything. "some other trinket..."

Some other trinket? You ignore the last part, claiming it to be unimportant.

You shrug, keeping your baring though on the inside you feel agitated just from thinking about the woman and the memories you shared with her. You had long since buried her in the back of your mind but all of a sudden she decides to make a reappearance in your life. "Let's just say she's an old wound." you put it plainly, not wanting to go through details with a complete stranger who has tried to kill you before.

Your eyes squint as you finally go up the last step.

You think it's some sort of cathedral, or at least used to be. The place is a complete mess and looks as though it suffered a bombing. The source of light comes from the large hole in the ceiling and you take note of the human-like creatures you've encountered just before waking up in the area you were currently in. They were much more quiet and stood on wooden planks at a great height, almost surveying the area. Looking back down, you finally notice the other three... or four? individuals in the room with you.

One particular figure had caught your direct attention. To your left sat a unusually tall woman in a white dress with a black brimmed hat. Her curled black hair sat nicely atop her shoulders. The chair she sat in was fit custom to her size and her red lips were puckered around the end of a gold smoking pipe, holding it between her index and middle finger. Pulling it away from her lips, a cloud of smoke followed after.

Witch's Pet (Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader x Mother Miranda)Where stories live. Discover now