The Bet- Gally (part.1)

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TW: Abuse, Teen drinking, smoking, blood, bullying, parent abuse, suicide mentions, drugs,beating ppl up, cursing, a few smutty parts out of the different parts

It was so hot out. And the second recess bell was about to go off. You put your chemistry books in your locker and looked to your right and it happened again. He caught your eye. He was one of those "hot popular boys" that everyone wanted to be with... kind of including you. This was like the 13th time that you've caught him staring at you today and it was making you blush. "Hey Aurora" you heard someone say but you were too busy in your thoughts. "AURORA" you heard Peyton yell, you best friend. "Oh, yes? Sorry." You replied closing your locker as the bell rung. He smirked suspiciously. "Your staring at him again." She said. "Was it that obvious?" You replied groaning. "Yup-" she said but got cut off with two guys stopping in front of  you. It was Gally and Minho. The boys that were apart of the "hot popular boys". You both just stared at them until Minho finally spoke up. "What are you two doing?" He asked evilly smiling. "Going for recess what about you guys..?" Peyton replied with. They got caught up in there own convo when you looked up and he was just staring. And smiling. "Hey Aurora" He said. "Umm.. hey Gally?" You asked and he just nodded. "So, you got a date for prom?" He asked. "No, you?" "Nah" he replied really quick. "Oh. Cool." You said "oh, cool." He repeated. "Welp, me and Peyton better get going." You said grabbing her hand and dragging her outside. "Bye girls" Minho yells and you just put up your hand rushing outside. "Why did you do that? Minho's hot!!" Peyton asked loudly. You don't think it's weird that they are talking to us??" You asked. "No?!" She replied. "Alright, we'll think about it. We, me and you, you and I, are just stupid volleyball players that nobody likes, and they, are HOT lacrosse players that only ever talk to the gorgeous cheerleaders?!" You stated yelling. You could tell she was taking some time to really think before responding. "Yeah...your right." She said sadly. "They are dicks anyway. Remember grade 5?!" You said.

hey Peyton! You said running into the classroom. "Hey y/n" she said sadly. "Hey..what's wrong P?" You asked concerned.
"Gally and Minho were making fun of me...of you.. of us." She said looking down. "WHAT?! What did they say?" You asked boiling in anger. "They called us ugly and said that we were just stupid fat little girls that no one in a million years would want. Then they said that it was good your dad left...because you deserve it." As she said this your eyes watered and you looked over to the group of boys. Gally, Minho, Thomas, Aris and Newt the hot popular boy group were sitting there laughing. You were furious and rushed to Gally who was about to take a bite out of his pizza. You grabbed it and shoved it in his face and his friends started laughing 4x harder than they already were. "Talk about Peyton or my dad like that one more time and my foot is going to fly between your legs got that?! You don't understand what it's like having the only person that you could trust or talk to die so shut your mouth before I do it for you!!." You yelled tears streaming down your eyes. He looked very regretful. Like he wanted to say sorry but couldn't because it would ruin his reputation. "Peyton is the most funny, caring and nice person I have EVER met and until you get to know her awesome personality KEEP YOUR WORDS TO YOURSELF." You said glaring at Gally and Minho. Thomas. Newt and Aris realized that you were serious and shut up. You looked and Peyton with a kind smile until the teacher drug you Gally and Minho to the office.


"Well... what did Gally all say?" She asked. "Just asked if I had a prom date. And said no and that's when I took you out here." "Oh." She replied. "So you like Gally?" He asked in a silly tone. "Yeah I guess. But if only he was more...mature" you said but the mature part with a sour face. She just giggled and the end of recess came.
3 hours later
You sat in your room doing your homework when you got a notification telling you "GalileoA2004" followed you on Instagram. You ignored it until you got more saying that he liked a post... and then another... and another and it pretty much just went in and on until you decided to DM him. "Stalking me now are we?" You said. "Hah, sorry. What are you up to?" He replied. "Well, I was trying to do homework but now I'm talking to you." You said. " oh.. I wanted to say sorry about the 5th grade thing btw." He said. And you blushed remembering it. " it's alright." You said "but it's not. What we... what I said was messed up." But it is. We were young and you Guys didn't know better." "Yeah, well thanks." "Mhm" you replied back. "Can I call you? I'm doing homework too and I heard your really good at math.. I need a tutor." He asked. It took a little think until you finally replied. "Yeah, ok." You said. "Oh thank god, I was starting to think you were dead" he joked. You laughed and called him. After hours of what started off as doing math until it turned into laughing and intense flirting you got very tired. "So yeah, we got into a huge fight, which OBVIOUSLY ended with me winning" he said . You could tell he was smiling and obviously bragging. Gally constantly got into fights. It was kinda annoying because he could get expelled and he didn't care. "Wow, and how much trouble did you get into for that?" You asked smirking. " dad got really mad. He's a drunk so um-" he started until you cut him off. "Oh my god Gally, I'm so sorry I should have been thinking about what I was saying!" You said face palming. "No.. it's alright I just got a pretty narly black eye... and rib." He said shyly. You sighed in regret and kept apologizing which he kept forgiving. " hey uh... do you still live across the street?" He asked and your cheeks turned red "SHIT I forgot we live across the street since we were THREE" you thought to yourself. "Uh.. Aurora you there?" He asked "um YES and yes I still live across the street.. why do ask?" You said quickly. "Just wondering if you'd be able to tutor me tomorrow.. my place is fine and so is yours IF you can." He asked/said shyly. "Uh I'll have to see if I have a volleyball game tomorrow but if not, I can come over after school." You replied blushing. "GREAT! Or I mean uh yeah, great." He said. You giggled before falling asleep on the phone.
Gally's Pov:
I was going to say goodnight but she wasn't answering me. "Aurora? Hello?" I asked until I heard calming breathing and realized she was sleeping. I smiled to myself and whispered through the phone "I've always had a crush on you. I regret everything I've ever done.. and what I'm doing." I said.
Auroras (you) Pov:
I was half asleep when I heard him whisper "I regret everything I've ever done.. and what I'm doing." He said sadly. You were too tired to answer so you just listens to him chuckle and hang up. You smiled and fell into a deep sleep.
Me, Peyton, Mariah, Sarah, Kimberly and Cameron (half of your volleyball team) sat at one of the cafeteria tables when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You put your water down and looked up to see Sophie. The head cheerleader that everyone wanted to be and be with. Not you though, she was a bitch to you and the volleyball team and you guys hated each other. She was alder Gally's EX so uh.. that's awkward. "Hey Sophie" you said rolling your eyes. "So I heard you called Gally last night" she said really loud. Everyone started watching and you looked over at Gally's table and he was just watching with wide eyes. "Don't you EVER think you have a chance, number one, YOUR UGLY. Number two, YOUR FAT, number three-" she said and everyone started "oooou" ing. "Ok, FIRST OF ALL, it's not like we are dating, and NEITHER ARE YOU. He needed help with math so I helped. And what's it to you?!" You said back and everyone started "ooouing" even more. "Really?! What's it to me?? Well first of all.. I um..well.. THIS" she said as she didn't know how to reply. She grabbed the mashed potatoes on her tray on threw them at your shirt. You gasped and everyone went silent. "Oops, that was an accident." She said evilly grinning. "Alright, well if that was an accident I guess this will be to huh?!" You said back. She looked confused. You turned around, grabbed your water and spilled it all over her head. "OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!! YOU PHSYCO BITCH" she yelled before shoving you into your table. You stumbled but jumped back up and punched her SO HARD on the cheekbone. She flopped on the ground and you got on top of her beating her. Letting out all of the anger that you've secretly held in for years because of her.
*7th grade* "so, Aurora, where is your dad huh?! I guess you won't be at the daddy daughter dance will you? Right? Because he's a drug and drunk and he doesn't love you." Sophie said. Gally was watching and he chuckled. Your heart broke. You loved your dad and you wanted to believe he loved you back, but it was hard having him just disappear without saying goodbye. The daddy daughter dance was always your most hated school thing. *grade 8* "go die" Sophie said to you as you just sat there literally doing nothing to her. "What did I do?" You asked "you were born. That's what you did." She said in a sour tone. Minho and his friends started laughing. *grade 9* "like wow, I bet your dad even hit you." She said laughing. "No, actually, he didn't. But if you want, I could hit you." You replied with a sassy ass tone. Gally and his friends laughed. "Whatever, go kys." She said embarrassed. That one got you.

I punched her face like seven times and it took Peyton, Mariah, Minho, Gally and Thomas to TRY to get me off until her friends jumped in. Karly, the second worse SLAPPED you. She freaking slapped you like tf? You jumped on her until the lily, THE THIRD WORSE got a pretty good hit right under your eye, then your lip. Which you ended up pinning her and beating her until teachers, TWO teachers pulled you off. Everyone was screaming and laughing and yelling it was just so overwhelming. Your eye and lip was throbbing and you could see Sophie limp on the floor and her friends tried to get back at you but Gally and Aris were holding them back. You couldn't hold it in anymore. Tears were streaming down your eyes and you caught Gally's eye. He looked over the top worried and mad at you.
You sat in the nurses office as she wrapped your hand explaining about how bad you sprained it. You just ignored her. You already called your mom and she was furious so woohoo, I'm gonna be grounded. I waited in the office. The front desk lady said that my mom was here so I sighed and left. But as I went to walk out to the parking lot, a hand grabbed me. I turned around and Gally staring at me with sad eyes. "Why would you do that?" He asked. "Like you care?! You've enjoyed watching her AND you make my life hell so WHY DO YOU CARE?!?" You screamed in his face. He looked sad. But shocked then angry and that turned into anger. "Because I just do. Ok!? I care and I always have! She just put food on your head?! Did you really have to knock her out?!" He yelled back. "YES, yes I did. I was FINALLY able to let out the anger that I've held in all my life because of your stupid friends and hers. And her?!!!!?" You yelled back. "Pff, don't call them stupid." He sighed. "But they are?! Right? And so are you for thinking you can give out opinions on others lives!!" You stated with a stern tone. You could tell he was really thinking about what he said. "And I didn't just do this because of you guys. Remember my dad?! Yeah, well he came home last month just to ask for money. YUP. I've been standing up for him and missing him my WHOLE life just so he could trade me for drugs! I begged him to stay and he ADMITTED that he didn't love us as much as he used to. I didn't realize how made I was until that fight. You have no idea what it's like to love someone so much just to realize that they don't love you back!! So when you and your STUPID friends make little comments like she does it HURTS." You said tears streaming down your eyes. His eyes were filled of regret. "I'm sorry, I really am alright! I swear and I didn't realize how much damage that did.. I really like you. Like I LIKE you.." he replied and your eyes stoped streaming. "Wha- what?" You asked shocked. "I've liked you since third grade too." You said lightly smiling. He blushed and smiled. "I have to go. Text me?" You asked. "Gladly" he replied before you wiped your tears and walked out.

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