The Bet-Gally (part.2)

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TW: Abuse, Teen drinking, smoking, blood, bullying, suicide mentions, drugs,beating ppl up, cursing, a few smutty parts out of the different parts

You lied in your bed staring at your roof waiting for a text. Your phone finally lit up.
Gally: hey sorry. My phone died.
You: no, it's alright. I'm not actually sure what to say.
Gally: diddo. (Me too)
You: I'm sorry for freaking out.
Gally: no it's ok. I bet it felt nice
You: yeah actually. I just got back from the hospital. I sprained my wrist and I have a cast now.
Gally: well you did get a lot of good hits huh?
*three days later* "Cmon mom! It's Saturday!! I cant even meet up with Peyton and Mariah?!" You asked whinning. "No. Now let me through I have to pack." She said pushing past you. "Even though I'm going to Vancouver foot work doesn't mean you can have friends over btw." She stated. "Yeah yeah I know." You said rolling your eyes. "Don't forget you do the laundry, dishes-" she started until I cut her off. "Feed the dog, don't open the door for strangers, if I order pizza tell the delivery man I'm not home alone. I know mom." You finished her sentence. She just smiled. After she finished you did your chores and sat on the couch watching Beauty And The Beast. "I haven't talked to Gally in a while. I should say hi." You thought.
You: hey gal.
You: are you there?
You: I can see when you read my messages.
You sighed and put your phone down and continued watching tv. It started to rain and thunder. And then it got dark. When the movie was over you just played a Chanel that played music. You started cleaning up when there was a knock at the door. You kind of got nervous but slowly opened the door. Gally stood there with a black eye worse than yours, a bloody lip, and his knuckles her jacked. You gasped and pulled him inside. "I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go" he said tears streaming down his face. "What happened?" You asked. "My dad... he was drinking and his girlfriend broke up with him and he took his anger out on me." He said. You felt so bad. You helped him take off his wet jacket and shirt. He had toned abs and you lightly blushed. His body was full of growing bruises and he sat on the counter. You grabbed the first-aid kit and started with his ribs, using rubbing alcohol and huge bandade looking things. You two just sat their in silence as he'd wince every time you'd touch his bloody bruises. You slowly moved up to his face and started with the top of his cut eyebrow. Then his lip. He just stared in your eyes the whole time and you blushed when your eyes met his. He looked down at your lips and back at your eyes. You did the same before he said "thank you. Where is your mom and brother?" He asked. "Moms out of town for three weeks because of work and brothers at college." You said still looking in his eyes. "Oh." He said quietly. "Oh." You repeated. "Do you mind if I stay the night?.. I don't want to go back there." He admired quietly. "Of course. You can stay in the guest bedroom you said taking one last look at his body before handing him his shirt. He chuckled and followed you upstairs. You two walked in. He sat on the end of the bed still staring at you. "If you need anything, I'll be in the shower ok?" You said. He smiled and nodded. " do you um.. think I could stay for a while?" He shyly asked. And oh how your heart sang. "Yep, I wouldn't mind some company" you admitted smiling. You walked up to him and put his jacket right next to him. He was still staring and now you were standing between his legs. "Can I kiss you?" He asked. "Yeah" you said blushing. He smiled, sat you down on his lap so you were straddling him and slowly leaned in finally connecting his lips with yours. You kissed back which instantly turned into making out. You decided to tease him and gently rolled your hips and he whimpered putting his hands on your hips guiding you. You lightly gasped when he dug his head into your neck kissing it. After two minutes he started tugging at your shirt signalling for you to take it off. You pulled it off and then you flipped you two over so he was pinning you down. He started kissing you again and you pulled off his shirt too. He looked at you for approval of what was about to happen and you nodded "wait." You said and he looked up at you. "I've never actually..." you started. "It's ok. I'll be gentle." He said kindly smiling and you returned it. He kissed down your neck you lightly moaned and he smirked against your neck. He took off his pants and your shorts and then his boxers and your underwear then bra. "Your beautiful" he admitted and you smiled wrapping your legs around his waist. "Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded. He slowly entered you and you gasped and so did he. "Am I hurting you?" He asked and you shook your head no. He started slow and went faster. After 10 minutes of moaning and groaning your eyes started to water but in a good way. You felt loved. So did he. "F!ck" he groaned and you tried to keep up with your breathing. " god" you moaned smiling until you know um.. released. Ten minutes later you both layer there. You were on your stomach with your hands under your pillow. He was on his side examining you closely. You were both a little sweaty. Your eyes were closed but you weren't sleeping. You both knew that btw. He lightly ran his fingers around your back tickling it. He chuckled out of no where. "What?" You asked kind of irritated. "Nothin... just that you thought you couldn't do this but you just did.. and it was great." He whispered smiling. " I don't know if I should say thank you or kick you out" you said giggling. "Why would you kick me out?" He replied laughing. " because your making it AwkWarD" you said while the both of you kept laughing. You woke up really REALLY early. You looked over and Gally was in a deep sleep. You smiled and watched him for a while before putting your underwear and a really big shirt on and went bathroom. You went back upstairs and layed back down before you felt a strong arm wrap around you and pull you close. Gally and you were now spooning. "Trying to run away are we?" He asked and you giggled. "You wish." You said before passing out again. This time, you woke up to someone playing with your hair. You looked back and he was trying to braid your hair. "What are you doing?" You asked. "Expressing my inner women." He said and you laughed harder. "Last night was fun" he said quietly. "Yeah." You said back. After 3 weeks of the same thing he had to leave and your mom came home. "Hey Ro!"(Nickname for Aurora *you*) she yelled walking in. "Mom!!" You yelled excitedly.

Back at school

"Hey Ro!" Peyton yelled as she ran up and hugged me. "Hey Pey!" I greeted smiling. "How is it being back at school?" She asked. "Weird." I said putting books in my locker. She was about to say something but cut of by loud laughter. We looked over to see Minho and his friends staring at us laughing. Gally wasn't though. He just looked at the ground the whole time. "We haven't talked in like a week" I thought to myself. The bell rung and I told her about Gally. "NO WAY" he said too loud. "Sshhh don't draw attention women" I said back sassily. "Sorry... so ugh.. are you guys dating now? I mean you clearly already had se-" she started but I cut her off lightly punching her elbow. "Oh yeah sorry. I'm being to loud" she admitted giggling. "I don't know honestly. He hasn't talking to me in like a week." I said. "Huh. He'll come around." She said. "Yeah.." I said nervous. We sat at the cafeteria talking when Thomas sat next to me creepily grinning. "NO Thomas dont!" Gally said across the cafeteria. "How was your spring break Aurora?... you didn't lose your virginity did you?" He asked staring at you. Your heart stopped. "You know, I was going to do the bet myself but Gally REALLY wanted to." He said still meanly grinning. "Wha- what bet?" You asked not even daring to breath. "OH? You didn't know?, well me and the boys here made a bet to see if Gal here could get you in bed within a month.. looks like it worked." He said and you looked up at Gally who was staring at you with broken eyes. "Is that true?!" You asked. "I seat Ro, I called it off! I did!" Gally said in a pleading tone. "Pff no you didn't. You were talking about how you couldn't wait to see her naked and shit." Thomas said laughing. "Wha-bu- I trusted you!" You said crying and you ran out. He chased after you and when you left the front doors you could hear him yell "nonono please Ro you have to listen to me!! Please!!" He said grabbing your wrist. "Couldn't wait to see me naked huh?!" You yelled/asked. "I'm sorry alright I swear I called it off. What I said about loving you since the third grade was true!" He yelled back. "But this wasn't. You lied. I told you things I can't even tell my best friend Gally!!! I should have known. Your just like the rest of them." You said whipping your hand out of his grip.
"F!CK" he yelled behind you.


You just stood there. In your black dress watching as they lowered your dads casket into the ground. Tears streaming down your cheeks. You mom rubbing your back but crying at the same time. You felt paralyzed. Numb. You felt so regretful. You didn't even get to say goodbye. When the funeral was over you mom dropped you off at what used to be you and your dads spot. You looked through the 123 messages on your phone that Gally left you. You walked home and Peyton was there to comfort you. You cried in her arms on the front porch when you heard footsteps. You both looked and Gally was standing there. He looked like he hadn't slept in years. you looked over at Peyton and nodded your head. She smiled, glared at him and walked away giving you space. "I'm sorry.. about your dad and everything." He said "thank you." You said looking down. You wanted to tell him about how much you missed waking up in his arms and ordering pizza and playing board games with him. "I uh.. I miss you and I regret everything. I wanted to let you know that you changed me.. you actually made me laugh and feel again. And I miss you." He said shyly. "I forgive you I guess." You said looking up at him. Those words look like they made his He let out a sigh of relief and without thinking you jumped up at hugged him. "I miss this" he said. You felt something wet on your shoulder and you looked at him and he was crying. " my dad got worse.." he said. You hugged him tighter. "Feel free to stay anytime. My room is on the first floor anyway." You said and he chuckled. Your eyes met and you leaned in and kissed him. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." You said back. "ITS ABOUT TIME" Peyton yelled from behind you guys and you laughed.

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