Chapter 3

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I led Melody back to our table, her following closely behind me as we walked. Barry and Mo were still sitting at the table and appeared to not have even moved since we last left. Barry smiled, he is getting better at being friendly towards Melody, while Mo ignored her. Ahh yes, hangry as usual.

"Maurice- I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin your clothes I-" Barry immediately cut her off, and I found that they both have a habit of cutting her off when she talks.

"Don't apologize to him love, he should be apologizing to you," Barry said while elbowing Mo lightly with a look.

"I'm sorry. I'm just hangry," he said, crossing his arms. Melody giggled in response. God, I love her giggles so much.

"Hangry. I haven't heard that before." She smiles a bright smile, which makes my heart flutter, and grabs her notebook and pen. "What can I get you boys today?"

I found myself staring at her, and she caught me in the act when she glanced over at me. I wasn't even looking at the menu. I hardly knew what was on the menu because I was so distracted by her. She distracts me so much it's almost scary.

"Pancakes for me please love," Barry said with a wink, handing Melody his menu.

Mo was still in a huff without having eaten anything all morning. "I don't care, just give me food please." He crossed his arms and sipped his coffee.

"And Robin?" I just kept staring at her and didn't really register what she was saying until a few moments later. She just captivated me so much.

"Oh- Um, whatever Barry got." I blushed strongly and it was obvious to everyone around me. I grabbed a napkin and put it in my lap.

"Okie dokie. I'll be back in a flash," she said with a small smile.

I saw Barry grab Melody's arm. "What's your name hun?" he asked. I saw her about to point to her nametag, but it appears that she didn't realize she didn't have it on, and I almost giggled until I stifled it.

"Oh, shoot I forgot my nametag! Sorry! I'm Melody," she told him while sticking her hand out for him to shake.

Smiling and chuckling a little, he replied, "A girl giving a handshake? Never heard of that before." He grabbed her hand and shook it firmly. Look at that, Barry and Melody being friendly.

I have to say, after earlier in the music shop I'm surprised to see Barry making friends with her. Not that it's a bad thing, but I'm surprised is all.

I saw her face soften as I spoke to her. "I think it's cute," I said aloud. For a moment, I almost regretted saying that for everyone to hear, but then I didn't. I knew she was shocked by the look on her face.

"Was that supposed to stay inside Robin's head?" she asked me gently while poking my forehead.

At first... Yes. But then I decided that it needed to be said. I smiled brightly and laughed. "No. It was for Melody's ears." I saw her smile and bite her lower lip which made me go crazy inside. God, she's so beautiful.

"I'll be back with your food soon," she answered quietly, walking away to the kitchen.

I watched as she went back into the kitchen, and it appeared to be an open kitchen to my knowledge.

Then I saw Barry walk up to the bar by the kitchen and talk to her. I couldn't really hear what specifically they were saying, but I did hear them talking quite loudly. Look at that, Barry being friendly with Melody. I have to say I'm surprised.

I noticed that she had finished the pancakes and balanced the plates just so, one on her forearm and one plate on each hand. I can't help but think that she's talented. I'm far too clumsy and uncoordinated to do something like that.

"I'm here," she said quietly, placing our food in front of us.

Barry's attention was transfixed to the jukebox. "I was just wondering, does that jukebox over there work?" he asked. In response, Melody nodded. Melody... Her name just sounds so pleasant and it rolls off my tongue naturally.

She glances over at it for a second and looks at Barry again. "Yes, it does. There are quarters in a dish next to it if there's a song you would like to play," she said. Without any hesitation, Barry smiles and makes a beeline for the jukebox, and picks a song.

She closes her eyes and taps her foot to the beat. I found it interesting the way she lets the music take over her and just listens to it without any distractions, no matter where she is. I don't think she noticed, but she started to strum lightly on her hip like a guitar, and I thought that was really cute.

I went over to her and gently touched her arm. "Sit with us?" She smiled at me brightly in return which made my heart flutter.

"If you would like me to, I will," she said, louder than she normally would.

Without any hesitation, I pulled a chair from another table and I set the chair between me and Mo so she could sit next to me. Really, there was no other place for her to sit. Not that she couldn't sit anywhere else, but I would much prefer her to sit next to me.

I noticed that she picks her fingers when she's nervous. Do I make her nervous? She makes me nervous in a different way, she makes me more bold and confident. Yet... Vulnerable?

"So, how long have you been working here?" I wanted to get to know her more, and I know she's shy so this is my best bet for getting to know her. I took a bite of my pancakes which are so good. Not surprisingly, of course, because she's just that talented in my eyes.

However, she answers, very nonchalantly, "About three years."

"Oh my gosh, what is in these magical things!" Maurice exclaims in between bites of pancakes. Ah yes, there goes hangry Mo. Good riddance, in my opinion.

Suddenly, she laughs out loud and Barry, Mo, and I all look at her in shock. Although, I think it's nice to see her out of her shell and being herself. It's nice, and I love it when she's this way. Granted, I haven't known her for long.

"What? Was I too loud?" she asks quietly, looking down a bit as if her genuine self had gone back into hiding.

Barry smiles and says, "No, just unexpected."

I saw her smile and I can't quite tell if it's real or not. I haven't spent enough time around her to pick up on her cues and the little things. Although, I do know that when she picks at her hands she's nervous and anxious.

"Seriously Melody, what is in these?" Barry asked, looking as if he had eaten something given to him straight from the heavens.

She keeps looking down at the table, glancing up at us every once in a while. "Oh- Normal pancake things. I think it's just the way I make them." Melody's voice was low and quiet but as she said that I was stunned. Even though I knew it already, somehow hearing her say it makes it even more impressive.

"What? Did I do something?" she asked. I could almost feel and touch the panic in her voice when it needn't be there. I slightly elbowed her arm to make sure I had her full attention.

"You made these?!" I asked her in a shocked voice.

She has this really cute expression on her face whenever she gets embarrassed. Her nose starts to scrunch up a little and it's the most adorable thing in the world. Nodding, Melody says with a smile, "They are my specialty."

For the first time in a couple of days, Mo is actually friendly with Melody. "No one has ever made pancakes this good." He cleans his plate well.

As we all finish our breakfast, she sits and watches us, crossing her legs. But I can't stop admiring her in between bites and glancing at her every once in a while. Whether or not she has noticed, I am not sure. But I do know that I like her more than I originally thought. 

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