Chapter 10

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TW: talk of a little bit of abuse but not bad. If you want to skip this one, it is okay. Whatever is best for you :)

I wait for her to get out of the shower and decide to put on my pajamas in the meantime, so I'm all comfortable while we watch the movie. I'm anxious for Melody to get out of the shower because I just want to cuddle with her on my favorite reclining chair.

Making my way downstairs, Barry and Maurice are already down on the couch and greet me with a smile.

"Is Melody in the shower?" Maurice asks.

Nodding, I reply, "Yeah, I gave her some of my clothes for her to wear. You know, one of my t-shirts and my red, white, and blue plaid pajama bottoms."

Barry gives me a knowing look. "Ahh, already sharing clothes, hmm? You two seem like quite the couple!" He moves his eyebrows up and down and I roll my eyes at him.

"We're not a couple yet... I want to be, but you know..." My voice trails off.

Mo and Barry burst out laughing and give each other glances. I fold my arms and sit in my chair with my eyes rolled.

"Robin?" I look up to see Melody talking from upstairs, and she tucks her hair behind her ears. She looks cute in my pajamas.

"We are down here, Melody!" I told her sweetly.

I was wrapped in my blanket as well as Barry and Mo underneath their own as Melody walked downstairs.

"Well, don't you look cute," Maurice said with a little laugh, and she laughed with him. But I could hear, and I knew she was nervous.

I was engulfed in conversation with Barry and Maurice to notice that Melody wasn't actually in my line of vision. She was too quiet and I began to wonder where she was.

"Melody? Where are you, love?" I asked, looking around the room to find her.

"I'm right here," she replies, grabbing my hand.

I shake my head as I look down at her sitting on the floor. "Oh, no way you are sitting on the floor. Come here." I put the legs of the recliner down and opened up my blanket to her. Even though she stood up, she seemed hesitant to join me.

"You look really comfy though, and I don't want to-" I cut her off by grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to me. I felt her get tense in my arms, but I didn't pay much attention at first.

I pulled her in my lap and covered us up with my big, white comforter. Then I put the recliner back up again. Her hands were tucked into her chest, but I kept my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "That's better," I mumbled. Then I felt her shaking. Was something wrong?

"Melody, my love, are you okay?" I whisper to her, concern riddled in my voice. My hand was still placed firmly around her waist.

"No..." she mumbles back. She closed her eyes and buried her face into my chest.

"I think we should order some Chinese, yeah?" Barry suggested, grabbing the phone. I felt her silently nod.

"Actually, we are gonna go pick it up. We will be back soon, okay?" Mo said as he and Barry left.

And here we were alone with her snuggled on my lap. I wanted to know what is causing her to be this upset...

"I'm right here, Melody. Whatever is wrong or upsetting you... it'll be okay," I reassured her as I held her differently than before. It was more of an "if I hold her, then I'll protect her".

"Robin..." she began. I stroked her hair because I could hear the sadness in her voice.

"Yes, my love?" I cupped her cheeks and looked into her eyes, hoping she could see how worried I was.

"Please don't yank me around?" she whispered, and I immediately was confused.

"I'm so sorry, Melody, I didn't mean to scare you." The worry in my voice was evident, but the guilt seemed to overpower the worry. I felt awful for making her feel scared.

"It's okay... please be gentle with me," she said softly, snuggling her face into my chest.

"Melody... What happened?" I asked cautiously. I rubbed her arm and pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

"What do you mean, Robin?" she replies quietly.

"Why are you so afraid of getting hurt?" I inquired as she snuggled closer. I was walking in treacherous territory for sure, and I didn't want to scare her by bringing up whatever happened to her...

"It's a long story..." she mumbles.

I felt bad for mentioning it. "You don't have to tell me," I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

I felt like she was debating whether or not to tell me and, to be honest, I'm okay either way. "My dad- he's not the nicest person in the world. My mom is more verbal... He is more physical. And there was one boy, who was a lot like my dad but worse." She wouldn't look at me while saying her story.

It hurt me to know that her family, and that boy, have hurt her so much. "Melody, I promise I'll never hurt you like that. I'll protect you. And if that means I get hurt, then so be it. As long as you're safe," I said, squeezing her a little tighter. I wanted so badly to say the three words.

"Robin?" she says softly, looking up at me with big eyes. At that moment, I knew she was the one.

"Yes, Melody?" I keep looking at her and I can imagine what the rest of our life will be like and it's wonderful. I caress her cheek a little.

"I love you." To say I was shocked is an understatement. I didn't know she wanted to say that too! For a moment, I was silent because I was so speechless. I loved her so much and it meant so much to me for her to say them too.

"I can see your mind racing..." I said, looking into her eyes. I saw that she had bit her lip and fluttered her lashes, and it drove me crazy.

"You don't have to say it back if you don't feel that way or aren't sure. I just- looking in your eyes, my mind went blank and I let my heart lead me-" I decided to cut her off with a delicate, gentle kiss. I wanted it to be the kind of kiss where it was soft, but with meaning and passion.

I held her face gently as if the slightest of rough movements would break her. I wanted her to know how much I loved her without saying a word, although I did want to say the words. I was sincere, bearing my soul to her and being the most vulnerable I've been in a while.

As I pulled back and pressed my forehead to hers, I whispered, "I love you."

I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks and she sniffled loudly. "Melody? Why are you crying?" I wipe away the tears from her cheeks and look at her worriedly. Had I said something wrong or did it not sound like I meant it?

"You love me. Someone loves me," she whimpers, sniffling all the while. They were happy tears. In an immediate response, I pressed her head to my chest where my heart is so she can hear it. Whether or not she likes it when I do this is still unknown to me.

Unbeknownst to me, I started to cry too for the same reason she was. I was happy. I felt so special to be one of the first people to say I love you and mean it, if not the first person.

For a moment or two, which seemed like forever, I held her and she was practically on top of me because of the recliner. With her in my arms, I felt like we could take on the world. Robin and Melly. 

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