Chapter 5

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 All around us, the cool, crisp September air blew around us and the leaves, crunching under our shoes, fell. The only thing that could make this even better was if I could put my arm around her. Yet, I was struggling to even hold her hand.

Melody was standing close to me, and I felt her lightly bump into my arm every once in a while and I knew she wanted to hold my hand. Heck, I wanted to hold hers. I'm just too chicken.

"And this is the town square. We do a lot of different festivals here," she said quietly. I love that she's quiet. Her voice is soft like velvet and it's adorable and cute.

I glanced at her and smiled. She points to the gazebo in the middle of the square. "What kinds of festivals?" I asked as I walked up to the gazebo, and I could tell that she was following me close behind. Almost resembling that of a puppy.

"Usually silly ones. The founder's day parade, Star-crossed lovers, a favorite of mine is the Barefoot freedom one," she explains as we walk side-by-side into the gazebo.

My mind immediately thinks about the Star-Crossed Lovers festival. My stomach flutters and my heart skips a beat. I felt like I needed to experience it with her, but I don't want her to think that I'm going too fast.

"I have no idea what any of those are, Melody." I laugh and walk up to the steps. I was in my own little world, examining the wood of the gazebo and I can tell how much history it holds and how cherished it is by the community. And by her.

"Founders Day is kind of like the Fourth of July but we reenact the actual battle. No one ever gets hurt and it's really fun!" she exclaims. I sit on a bench, and she sits on the floor beside me which slightly confuses me.

"The Star-Crossed Lovers one is adorable. The story is that two people, a boy, and a girl, were lost within themselves and were searching for who they were. They were both led right here where the gazebo is. They fell in love and decided to start a life together. Her name was Fair, and so he named the town Fair View after her," she explains with so much passion.

This is the cutest story I have ever heard and I have to admit that I thought of her as she told the characters.

"Lastly is the Barefoot freedom. That is my all-time favorite! It's kind of like a national hippie day for our town. A lot of them used to live here. Anyway, we blast music all through town and we just dance and eat. Oh, Robin, you would love it!" she rambled. "Nobody works that week and nobody cares! It's all dancing and dancing, and more dancing. Oh, it's my favorite! We get to listen to music all day, 24/7, and I've never been happier in my life than when that festival comes around." Her hands wave around.

I chuckled a little because I love it when she gets excited like that. How passionate she gets about the things she loves astounds me to my very core.

"Why did you stop?" I asked softly. I saw her bite her lip and it made my heart go crazy.

"You laughed... I figured it was at me because of how fast I was talking and how stupidly excited I got," she mumbled, hanging her head low as she does whenever she's down about herself.

"Melody?" I say softly. She starts picking at her fingers again, and I need to make her see that I wasn't laughing at her. I was amused at the way she is so excited about the things she loves.

"Melody... look at me? Please?" I asked her very gently. She looks up at me with this vulnerability that I hardly ever see in people.

"You never have to stop being yourself around me ever." I look her straight in the eye, and she nods gently. For a moment, all we do is look at each other.

In her eyes, it's as if I can see the future. Our future. Us... Together. Maybe a little crib in the corner, and I just feel this overwhelming, sweeping sensation of happiness taking me over.

I saw the life I've always wanted in her eyes. I've only just met this girl, how can I possibly see a future like this? It's simple. Could it be something like true love?

"When is this festival?" I asked with an intrigued tone. I leaned my elbows on my knees so I could look her in the eyes more equally.

"Tonight. Everyone will meet at the diner and the dancing starts there. Then somehow it will lead to the square," she says quietly.

My eyes light up. I need to take her to this festival. I feel like it's the only way I can see the true, most real form of herself.

"Melody?" I got off the bench and sat in front of her on the ground.

"Yes, Robin?" Her voice is so soft and gentle, and I love it so darn much. She tucks some hair behind her ears and looks at me. She's perfect...

"Can I go with you? To the festival?" I matched her tone and I couldn't help but smile.

And, in return, I saw her biggest smile. "Really? You want to go with me?" She couldn't believe her eyes and it makes me so happy to see her like this.

"I wouldn't want to go with anyone else," I said, leaning in and smiling.

"Me either." Her voice is still quiet.

Is this it? The moment I've been waiting for? The kinds of moments you see in movies or read about in books? Because it certainly felt like it, and it felt like nothing could possibly interrupt this moment. It's perfect, just like her.

"Melody!" Her name was being yelled loudly.

"What in the Sam heck are you doing? Get up and get home, you have chores to do, you brat!" This older lady yelled. She looks very angry...

"Can I have a moment, please?" I felt the sparks fading from the moment when I didn't want them to. I felt like something was going to happen.

"No! Worthless girls like you don't get 'moments'. Get yourself back home now." This lady's voice was insistent and forceful. It irked me how she spoke to Melody like that and how she called her 'brat' and 'worthless' when in reality, to me, she's none of those things. She's the most perfect girl in the world.

Her hands shook like mad. "I- I have to go," she mumbles, looking at me. The expression on my face was that of pure concern and worry.

"Who is she?" I asked in a serious tone.

"My mother. Listen, I have to go-" Her mother cuts her off.

"Get over here, or else Melody!" she said angrily and loudly. Maybe this is why she's so quiet...

"I'll see you at the diner tonight!" she told me quickly as she ran over to her mother. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I saw Melody wince when her mother grabbed her arm. It pained me to see her being treated like this, but I knew it would all be over soon. As soon as I see her at the diner tonight. 

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