Chapter 7

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Melody and I stood in each other's arms for what seemed like forever, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Her head remained on my chest, right where my heart is and her arms were tucked into her chest as I held her close.

I saw her looking down and saw a little kid standing there. She lets go of me. "Ms. Melly?" a child's voice said, and she knelt down to this kid's level.

"Hello, Landon!" Melody hugs the kid, and he smiles and giggles.

"Are you going to babysit us like always?" he asked. I have to say... I'm not one for little kids but this one is cute. Like I want to die cute.

"Of course, little man! Are Chloe, Daisy, Ellie, and Jack all here too?" she asks sweetly. I loved how good she is with the kids. It's a skill I wished I had because somehow I never know what to do with them.

"Who is this, Melly?" the kid Landon asked, he was laying his head in the crook of her neck.

"This is my friend, Robin! Can you say hi to him?" Melody kissed the top of his head and the kid waved at me with a small smile.

"Hi, Melly's friend Robin!" I notice how she rolls her eyes and I stifle a laugh. But then she hugs him tighter and I can't help but smile.

"How about some food?" she asks in her best little kid voice. Landon looks at me wide-eyed.

"Does Robin want some?" He looks at me with possibly the cutest look in the world. Apart from anything Melody can do...

"Well, I don't know. Robin, do you want some food?" she questioned in the same little kid voice. I smiled and I had the biggest blush spreading across my face.

"I would love some!" I bent down to meet her eyes, and Landon giggled.

"I like him!" he exclaims.

"I like him too! He's fun, isn't he?" Melody continues as she walks over to where the little kids were. All I saw was a group of little kids bombarding Melody, all of them yelling her name.

She never ceases to amaze me. She's so good with kids that I can hardly believe my eyes. Is there anything she can't do?

"Melly!" they all scream, trying to pull her down to sit with them.

"Hello, little ones!" She sat in the grass with them, Landon remaining in her lap.

"How are you, Melly?" one of the kids asked with a little kid smile.

"I'm going great, how are you darling?" This little girl had pigtails and she twirled one of them.

"I'm good! Who is he?" she asks, pointing towards me, and Melody smiles at me.

"That's my Robin!" All of the little kids oohed and ahhed.

"What's a Robin?" another kid asked, looking at Melody then at me.

"Well, a Robin is a very nice and sweet boy who is very caring! He is funny and gives the best hugs!" she exclaims, looking at all of them.

Then Landon points at me. "Is she your Melly?" he asks curiously. I scoot closer to her and put my hand on the small of her back. I just hope that didn't startle her. "Well, I would hope so!" I meant what I said. I wanted her to be my Melody...

"Robin? What's a Melody?" One of the little boys asks. I look over at her with a smile and play with her long, brown hair.

"A Melody is kind of like a wildflower. She's very beautiful and hard to find. But once you find one, you want to keep it forever." I gently touch the flowers in her hair which, in my opinion, makes her whole outfit better.

I look deeply into her eyes, hoping she knows that I mean every single word I'm saying. I wanted her so much, not in that way. But in a "homely" kind of way. All I could do was look at her for a moment.

"Oh, good grief!" Daisy said, standing in front of us with her little hands on her hips.

"Yes, Daisy?" I ask her, stifling a laugh because of how sassy she was.

"Melly, do you want a Robin?" she asks, and I looked over at her and saw tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I do want a Robin!" she says, smiling brightly.

"Well, there's one right there! Now Robin, do you want a Melody?" I can't help but giggle at Daisy's question.

"Very much so, Daisy." I smile and glance at Melody. I did want her, and I hoped and wished she truly meant what she said about wanting me too.

"Well there's one right in front of you!" she said, gesturing to Melody. "See! Robin has a Melody, and Melody has a Robin. Now, can we eat?" She asked the last part nicely, which I found a little funny. I heard her laugh out loud, and I think about how much I love her laugh.

"Yay! We will stay here with your Robin, okay?" Landon said to Melody as she stood up. In return, she bends down and kisses his cheek. With that, she walks away and all of the kids lay on top of me and giggle wildly while they tickle me. I can't help but laugh out loud too.

This? Melody and I and, hopefully, a kid or two? That's my future. I know my future belongs with her. 

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