Chapter 11

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After some time, Barry and Maurice come back with the food they promised. I chose not to press Melody on what she told me because I know how painful it must be for her to recount that sort of pain and that much of it. And I do understand too, even though she may not believe it.

"We have food!" Mo exclaims, doing a little dance in the kitchen.

I caught myself simply looking at her. I think I do that a lot, but how can I not when I have the most beautiful girl in the world in my arms?

"Do you want some, darling?" I ask her and, in response, she smiles the widest I've seen.

"Did you call me darling? I love that name!" she exclaims, wiggling her toes. In response to her, I laugh and stroke her hair. I find it soothing to myself when I stroke her hair, and I'm not sure why that is.

"If it's your favorite, then that's all I will call you. Well, besides..." My voice trails off for a moment and I begin thinking about all of the pet names I can call her. I absentmindedly began biting the corner of my mouth as I thought and I was lost in my world, zoning out as I did so.

"Melly! That's what I'll call you!" I smiled so wide because I feel proud of thinking of that nickname for her. I think it's so adorable and endearing, just like her. Melly laughed so hard that she slid down so her head was in my lap.

"Any other nicknames?" She played with one of my hands, looking at it and drawing various shapes on the palms of my hand. It's cute how she's so fascinated by my hands. I've only just started to notice her thing with my hands, though.

"Let's see..." I continued to run my hands through her hair, feeling it between my fingers and watching her face in complete bliss as I did so.

"Melly..." I whisper, kissing her forehead oh-so-lightly. I can't help but smile after pulling my lips away from her forehead.

"Melody..." I kissed the tip of her nose, and I don't know why I did it but it felt like a cute thing to do that she'd enjoy. And she did based on how she giggled.

"Darling..." I kiss her cheek and as my lips are pressed to her cheek, I feel her face get red hot and I imagine her face looks like that of a tomato, but it's cute in my opinion.

"Baby..." I kiss her other cheek and out of the corner of my eye I can see her bite her lower lip and it makes my heart flutter and the butterflies roam in my stomach.

"My love..." I whisper as I kiss her lips. It felt electric to me, not because it's passionate. But because I felt it in my heart.

"Are you two going to come get food or make out?" Barry jokes, but I wasn't joking about the names I called her. Except what really made me surprised was the "making out" part. I don't think we're there yet but I have to admit that it makes me embarrassed to think about it...

"I'll get us some food," she says quietly, sitting up and softly kissing me. It made me feel fluttery in my heart when she kissed me.

I was only sitting for a moment before Melly called out from the kitchen, "Rob!"

It makes me smile at how she is using pet names as well. I don't know why, but it makes me feel really special on the inside.

"Ooh, pet names already?" Mo teased from the other room. Melly giggles at Mo's comment and I can't help but smile at her giggles. They're just so cute and I get this special feeling inside.

"Yes, Melly?" I hugged her from behind and decided to kiss her shoulder, partially because she's smaller than me but also because I know she loves kisses in little places like that.

"I didn't know what you wanted and I didn't want to get you the wrong thing," she mutters, hardly above hearing level. My arms had moved to my hands being firmly placed on her waist

"It's okay... Surprise me," I said with a wry smile, kissing the exposed part of her shoulder. The shirt she chose slid off her shoulder because it was so big on her, but I think it's cute and endearing.

"How about... Orange chicken?" she asked as she was putting some on her plate. Dang, she's good because I do love orange chicken. Nodding, I kissed the same spot and let a giggle come out as well. I can't help it if she makes me giggly and smiley.

"Robin," she whined a little, however, it was in a cute way so I thought it was okay.

In response, I laughed in her ear. "Melody." I matched the same whiny tone as her to, I guess, make fun in a way.

"Here you go, Robby," she answered, almost nonchalantly as if it were so natural for her to be calling me that. I loved it.

I smile and grab the plate and say, "Robby, I like that. But not as much as I like you. Well, love you." I felt as though if I had kept going, I would've rambled on and on for eternity. But to correct my almost rambling, I kiss her cheek.

I noticed as she started to serve herself, she didn't give herself much. It made me wonder more. She began to sit on the floor beside my chair.

"Oh no you don't," I stated, opening up the blanket for her to sit too. The one thing that was different was I didn't pull her to me this time because I know she doesn't like that. This time, I only held my hand out to her as if offering her a spot next to me.

Since she's so small, Melly was able to squish and wedge herself in the space left on the chair. I saw her smiling really big and it caused me to smile as well because hers is so contagious.

"Okay, not time for the movie!" Maurice exclaimed as he turned it on.

She began poking my chest a few times, and of course, I smiled. Melly placed her plate on my lap. "Yes, darling, what is it?" I said, laughing. She was smiling a very joyful smile that radiated excitement.

"Robin, it's my favorite movie, look!" she exclaimed and pointed to the TV, snuggling me to watch the movie.

"I'm watching, honey, I'm watching," I said cutely, kissing the top of her head. Oh, she doesn't think it's weird that I called her honey, right? It slipped off my tongue smoothly as if I had been calling her that for a long time.

I saw that Melly and I finished eating, so I took it upon myself to put the empty plates on the coffee table in front of the recliner. Even though all of her attention was on the movie, I still held her close and snuggled her. I quietly heard her reciting the movie's dialogue, and it made my heart soar because it's so dang cute.

Every once in a while, as the movie went on, her body would jerk herself awake. It seemed like she was fighting to keep herself awake. In lieu of this, I stroked her hair and pulled the blanket up a little. The movie was only halfway through, but I wanted to let her sleep.

"It's okay. You can fall asleep, love," I whispered. She looked up at me with her eyes closed.

"Promise me you'll finish the movie?" she asks, and I kiss her forehead. How can I say no to that face?

"Of course I will. Now go to sleep." I pause a moment to whisper the last part. "I love you."

"I love you," she mutters in the same whisper-tone. Melly snuggles her head on my chest and her eyes flutter closed. 

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