Chapter 11. The Mist

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'Neil...Neil...,' she shook my hand. But when I didn't react she started crying again.

I found my voice when she gulped a handful of air and started coughing. 'Nikita...,'

She looked up at me and shook her head.

'Who was he? What're you doing here? Why did you...,' I noticed the ripped sleeve of her kurta. I immediately took out my jacket and put it around her shoulder.

'Who was that swine? What the hell are you doing here?' I asked but she kept on shaking her head in frantic movements. Anger, sheer anger was coursing through me. A part of me wanted to run into the park, chase that flesh of a man and rip him from limb to limb but another part of me was asking questions- a truck load of questions.


'Can you take me home?' she asked, almost in a whisper.

For a second I froze. Take her home, my home?

'I live in St. Mary's girl's hostel. Can you drop me there?'

'Sure,' I said and helped getting her up. Her feet trembled as she took her first step; one of her sandals was missing. I could have carried her to the bike but I didn't want to touch her more than she wanted me to.

By holding her hand I helped her to the bike, put on my helmet and roared the bike into life. Nikita with a slight wobble in her feet laid her hand on my shoulder and sat on the bike.

'Ready?' I asked, looking at the rear view mirror. She didn't say anything, she had stopped crying but her head was down, so I started the bike.

I returned home at half past nine. Mom, like the other day was standing in the porch when I arrived. I opened my mouth to apologise but she simply ran her hand on my shoulders.

'It's alright,' she said, 'let's have dinner.'

Dad, on a sudden official call, had to go to his headquarters in Mumbai, so it was only mom and me on the dinner table. As usual, I acted normal, trying my best not to showcase the puddle of consternation inside me. At ten, after a healthy dinner and amiable conversation we parted for our rooms. I washed my face, changed my clothes and leaned down on my bed. I switched off the bed lamp and closed my eyes. But sleep was as usual evasive. My mind was filled with the images of tearing hazel eyes; those eyes that used to bewitch me two years ago had same power even now. But I had never seen tears in them. I promised once that I will make them happy forever with my love and care. But today.....

I squeezed the bed sheet as I remembered the position I found Nikita in. Oh! That man was all over her, I gritted my teeth. What could have happened if I had not been passing through that road? Like Shuchi, you would have lost Nikita as well.

The drive to Nikita's hostel was almost mechanical. No questions were asked, no answers were given. When I stopped the bike in front of the hostel, Nikita got down and without sparing a single glance at me went straight inside the iron gates. I wanted to take her to the doctor, I wanted to ask her questions, I wanted to have her phone number but everything remained inside me as the guards locked the gates.

I didn't give Nikita any chance to say her side of the story. What happened between her and Shuchi, I never got to hear that. That day when she had come home to offer condolences I was so mad and confused that I didn't gave her the chance to speak. And now? Who was that man? How did Nikita reached there? Was he a regular sexual offender who by seeing his chance pounced upon Nikita or did she knew him? I was afraid to admit but the expression on Nikita's face suggested that somehow she knew him.

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