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Sebastian's POV:

You fucking cried.

Loud voices were laughing and screaming in the background.


Sebastian quickly took another sip of the drink in front of him.

In one day.

His friend Don tried to engage him in a conversation. He didn't really understand what it was about.

And of course both times in Chris' arms.

Apparently Don gave up, laughing. Blaming it on Sebastian's drunkenness.

I hate you so much sometimes.

It was pretty dark outside already. Sebastian was sure that he must have been here for a few hours by now. The bar was filled with people and everyone seemed to be in a great mood. Especially his friends who brought him here.

"I'm gonna head home guys. Work tomorrow."

Sebastian managed to wave goodbye to his friends while already heading outside to his waiting cap driver. The drive was about 30 minutes back to set and the whole time his head was filled with the same thoughts. Over and over again. The same thoughts that he tried to drown in alcohol but were only getting harder to suppress inside his head.


Exactly 10 minutes after getting out of the car, Sebastian knocked on the door.

After a few moments the door opened.

"Sebastian?" A tired Chris asked with a surprised expression "What are you-"

"You called me baby."

Chris eyes widened and the slight surprise turned into shock.

"Yesterday when you were in my trailer. You held me and you called me baby." Sebastian continued. Clearly aware of the fact that he would totally regret this in the morning but not enough to care.

"Seb, are you drunk?"

"Only a little bit."

Chris looked at him with an expression Sebastian couldn't quite read.

"That doesn't change the fact that you called me baby."

Now Chris looked at him tormented.

"Yeah, I did," he whispered.


"I don't know."

"You can't do that."

"I'm sorry," Chris said, voice getting quieter with every word.

"No. You can't be sorry either." Sebastian didn't know where his sudden anger was coming from, but it made him step closer toward Chris until they were only inches apart.

"What-" Chris was so confused it was almost cute. Not almost. It was.

Pushing his thoughts beside, Sebastian took a deep breath. "You can't call me baby and make me feel all dizzy and then regret it and take it back. That's not fair," he said in a whisper.

Chris expression changed again to something Sebastian couldn't read.

"It made you feel dizzy?"


"In a good way?"

"Yes." Sebastian couldn't think straight. He was so close to him and all his senses were completely overloaded.

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