You'll always be the one I love the most

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Chris' POV:

Sebastian practically fell into his arms as if invisible strings of tension had been cut. Chris wrapped his arms around him with every intention of holding up all his weight. Sebastian was unexpectedly steady on his feet. He only buried his head into Chris' neck and didn't object when Chris kissed it. More than once. Especially since he still felt Sebastian's lingering tears through his shirt.
It was extremely sweet in a heartbreaking-kind-of-way.

He repeated again that it was okay now. That they wouldn't have to be over because he wouldn't let that happen. Sebastian meant too much and he made him so happy and it's okay baby I've got you. I always will. We'll never let that happen again. I would never reject you. How can you even say that. Nobody's ever meant that much to me. We'll be okay. Don't cry baby. Baby, baby, baby. Sweetheart. If you want me, you can have me. I'll give you all of me. Everything. You don't have to be sad. I'll give you everything.

Chris took a shuddering breath and buried his nose in Sebastian's hair again. He squeezed his eyes shut, wanting to relive this moment in the future. To capture this feeling.

I know you don't want to be with her. We'll figure it out, okay?, he continued.

He didn't say anything else. Sebastian didn't give the impression that he would answer. Chris couldn't even be sure he had listened to anything he'd said.

It was okay. It was okay because when Sebastian lifted his head again he smiled. His smile embraced Chris like a caress. Like a love. And if Chris would ever have to describe what love looked like, he would remember the way Sebastian Stan had smiled at him in this moment.

Chris grabbed his hand, squeezed twice for good measure, and led them both to the door of his trailer.

Once inside Chris made a beeline for the couch and directed Sebastian with him.

Sebastian sat down next to him and lifted his knees up so he could rest his legs onto the cushion. Sitting there on his thighs, Sebastian immediately clung back on to him. His arms wrapped around Chris' waist and his head was buried in his chest. It was almost like he was afraid Chris might change his mind, push him away.

As if he would ever be able to.

Reassuring him, Chris placed a kiss on the top of his head while his right hand was placed on his back soothingly. Sebastian's grip only intensified.

"Baby," Chris said softly. "Look at me."
Sebastian didn't move. If anything he buried his face even more into his chest. Chris stopped his strokes to cup Sebastian's jaw with both hands and gently lifted his head up. Sebastian stubbornly didn't meet his eyes and focused on his left shoulder instead. Chris brushed his thumb over Sebastian's cheek and kissed his cheekbone, then his forehead. Still reassuring Sebastian, even if he didn't really understand why it was necessary. He wanted to erase all doubts from Sebastian's head.

"M'sorry," Sebastian mumbled, still not meeting Chris' eyes. "It's just all so fucked up."

"No. Hush," Chris said firmly. "I'm not mad at you." Sebastian looked at him then. Still uncertain but upon seeing Chris' fond expression he smiled weakly.
Chris leaned forward until their foreheads were touching. Remembering the last time they were in this position a corner of his mouth quirked up. He closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, too." Chris was mildly surprised by the sound of his voice. Weaker than he had expected.

Sebastian slightly bumped his head and Chris could hear the smile in his voice when he said, "Now, you hush." And then a little lower, a little softer, "I'm still yours, remember?"

Chris blinked his eyes open. "Really?"

"Always," Sebastian whispered with his eyes closed and their foreheads still touching.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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