Only One

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Chris' POV:

Sebastian was avoiding him.

If not straight up ignoring him.

But avoiding sounded better than straight up ignoring, so Chris decided to go with avoiding.

At this point Scarlett's evil twin theory didn't sound so impossible anymore.

The sad thing is, he would even prefer it.

He was hoping it was real.

Pathetic, wasn't it?

Especially since he knew rationally that Sebastian obviously didn't have an evil twin brother, who made it his mission to destroy Chris' life by not paying attention to him.

But one could hope?

The last time he saw Sebastian was ten minutes ago. The last time he spoke to Sebastian was two days ago.

Two days ago, when Sebastian had climbed through his window and slept in his bed.

He should have kissed him then.
Why the fuck did he not kiss him.

He probably wouldn't get the chance again since Sebastian was avoiding him so passionately.

The first time Chris had approached him, a few hours after he had woken up in an empty bed but with one of the fresh daisy from outside placed next to his face, Sebastian had almost ran into the buffet table on set trying to get away from him.

The times after that proceeded quiet similarly.

In fact, the only words Sebastian had said to him since then had been "Chris, I can't," as an answer to his previous question about what was wrong.

Chris, I can't what?

Can't see you anymore?

Can't talk to you anymore?

Can't love you?

That was this morning.

Now he was standing in Scarlett's trailer, ready to get wasted.

Scarlett, the good friend that she was, had immediately picked up on his mood and was now standing in the small kitchen mixing something close to drinkable.

She came back with two glasses, let herself fall into couch, patted on the cushion next to her and said, "Spill."

So he did.

It was a long night.


Sebastian's POV:

The Russos were fucking everywhere.

The staff was fucking everywhere.

Their coworkers were fucking everywhere.

Everyone was everywhere.

It was a trapp. A big, fat, disgusting trapp.

It made him paranoid.
Knowing he couldn't win.

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