Somebody to you

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Sebastian's POV:

"Okay so either you're holding on to me in your sleep. Which would be really cute but highly unlikely because you sleep like a dead, wet blanket. Or you're awake. Which would somehow surprise me even more."

Sebastian refused to open his eyes but murmured something under his breath.

Chris stopped trying to escape his tight embrace and turned around instead.
He kissed Sebastian's closed eyelids before he whispered, "Good morning Sebastian Stan"

Sebastian made a face but his eyes stayed closed. He could feel Chris' quiet laughter.

"You can't get up," he mumbled. "It's cold and you're warm."

"Geez Seb you really know how to melt a man's heart. Who doesn't want to be held captive as a personal heater."

"Did you eat an extra portion of sass for breakfast or what?" Sebastian opened his eyes only to find Chris beaming at him.
He groaned and rolled onto his back.

"I didn't have any breakfast yet." Chris pouted. "You were on top of me and I couldn't get you to move for like an hour and when I finally did you grabbed me and didn't let me go."

Sebastian grinned. Before he turned to his side again he changed his expression into sad and apologetic. "I'm sorry sweetheart. It won't ever happen again. Next time I'll sleep in my own bed. Promise."

Chris looked horrified. "What? No!"

"But you said I laid on top of you and you didn't like it." He said in his most regretful voice as he brought his face closer to Chris'.

"I didn't say that! I just wanted to make you breakfast and wake you up with kisses but I couldn't bring myself to push you off me," he whined.

"And you went for calling me a dead, wet blanket instead." Sebastian said flatly.

Chris bursted out laughing. The logical response was of course to climb on top of Chris again.

"Truly awful. The worst way to wake up, really." Chris rolled his eyes playfully.

Sebastian beamed at him before he let himself go boneless on Chris and covered his face in his chest. Chris sighed and started to run his fingers through Sebastian's hair.

They were interrupted by Chris alarm which Sebastian pointedly ignored.

"It's the meet-and-greet today," Chris whispered excitedly. "Let's feed you and get ready for our fans."


"Omg I can't believe you're for real, like, here, oh wow, sorry, that was so embarrassing. I'm just really emotional right now and you're my idol and also the prettiest man on earth and, sorry I'm just... Can we take a picture?" The girl was talking hasty and her voice was trembling but that didn't milder the blush on Sebastian's face. He grinned at her from behind the autograph-table. "Of course we can.  Uh what do I do? Should I do like a pose or something?"

"Oh no just smile. If that's okay of course, you don't have to do anything at all..." Her hands were slightly shaking as she positioned her phone in front of their faces.

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