Dare to Dance

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***DISCLAIMER*** This book is based three years in the future, but all the music mentioned will be from now and the past because obviously I have no idea what music will be out in three years. This means I am going to use Take Me Home as the boys' most recent album. Okay, that's all.

Chapter 1

“Alright, come in ladies!” I shouted as I plopped down in front of the mirror, my notebook in hand.

My competition team girls came running into the studio, their faces lit up with excitement. They knew what today was: the day they found out their pieces for the new season.

“Hey, Kora!” The youngest member, Ava, said as she came running into the studio. “Did I get a solo?”

I shook my head at the girl, tucking my dark red hair behind my ear. “We’ll find out in a minute. Take a seat girls.”

All ten of the girls sat down and eagerly looked back at me. I flipped through my notebook then stood up to see the pictures I had taped on my mirror of all the girls to make sure I had included everyone. With a nod, I turned back to the girls and grinned. “Okay, first up is our group number. All of you will be in it and it’s a jazz piece. I’ll choreograph it. Next is a duet, which will be Ava and Lynn. It’ll be contemporary…” I continued down the list until I got to my most exciting announcement. “You guys ready for this?”

They all jumped up and down, nodding the heads with so much enthusiasm I thought they’d hurt themselves.

“It’s another group number and it’s contemporary, but it’s choreographed by…. My best friend, Danielle Peazer!”

Dani walked in from my office and rolled her eyes at me. “It’s Danielle Payne now, Mrs. Horan.”

I shook my head. “Pardon me, Mrs. Payne.”

After who was standing in front of them sunk in, my team girls screamed and jumped up, flinging their arms around Danielle and nearly knocking her over. I sighed, thinking, This is what happens when you work with ten to thirteen year olds…

Danielle did her best to control the girls and keep herself from toppling over, but before long I had to call them off of her and force them to sit down in front of the mirror. They weren’t happy, but they dealt with it.

“Okay ladies, Danielle is going to be nice enough to lead up a stretch for us before you all get started on the choreography for her number. So, I’ll turn the class over to her.” I gestured to Dani who was plugging her iPhone up to the speakers.

She nodded to me then ran into the center of the room as the music began to play. “Alright! Shoulder rolls in 5, 6, 7, 8!”


I sighed at the computer screen and pressed my hand against it, imagining I could feel Niall’s fingertips through the screen. “I miss you. So much.”

He flattened his hand against the screen on the other end of the Skype call as he also let out a long breath. “I know, love. I miss you, too. I’ll be home in two days, can you make it that long?”

“I guess I don’t have much of a choice, huh? It’s not like I can leave the studio and fly to Sweden just because I miss my husband.”

A smile broke across his face. “I’m still not used to you calling me that.”

“Maybe because we’ve only been married a month?” I chuckled at him. “You’re lucky I remember we’re married seeing as you’ve been gone pretty much the whole time.”

His smile instantly faded as his fingertips slid off the screen. “I know. I hate that, ya know? I wish I could be home with you every night and wake up to you every morning. It’s so hard knowing we didn’t even get a real honeymoon because I was too busy with the band. I hate that I had to leave the day after our wedding and I’ve only been home like four days of the whole month. I’m so sorry, Red.”

“No, no, don’t do that. Don’t beat yourself up about it.” I wanted to reach through the screen and make him look at me. “Niall, listen to me.” He slowly lifted his head, meeting my green eyes with his blue ones. “I could not be anymore prouder of you than I am right now. I don’t care that we didn’t get a normal honeymoon because it means you get to go do something you love and are incredible at.”

“But I don’t get to be with the person I love the most…”

Tears immediately pricked my eyes and my chest tightened. It always hit me hard when he said such sweet things over these Skype calls when I knew it’d be even longer until he could actually say those things in person and give me that tingly warm feeling that made me feel alive. “Don’t make me cry!” I yelled, wiping my fingers under my eyes to capture the falling tears.

“I’m sorry! Please, don’t cry, Kora. I love you!”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “Shut up. I love you, too.”

“Well I have to go. It’s time to record again. I’ll talk-Wait, is that Pink playing in the background?”

I glanced over my shoulder at the door to my office. Sure enough Pink’s song Try was blaring in the studio on the other side. I smiled before looking back at the screen and nodding. “Yup. Danielle’s choreographing a number for the competition.”

“Niall, we really have to go. Oh, hey, Kor!” Zayn suddenly appeared in front of the webcam, waving his hand like maniac.

“Hey, Z. I guess you’re here to steal Nialler?”

He nodded, giving me a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, love. We need him for the record.”

“Can’t I skip this one?” Niall pleaded, turning on his best puppy-dog eyes with his hands clasped under his chin.

“Afraid not, mate. Nobody can miss the next two sessions. It’s our last days in the studio here.”

“But Louis missed all of last week.”

“To be fair, I was practically dying I was so ill,” Louis’ voice came across the call before he was actually in view. He bent down so he could see me and smirked. “Hello, love. You don’t mind if we borrow Niall for a bit, do you?”

I sighed and purses my lips. “Well, as much as I want to keep talking to him, I guess I have to let you have him. Have fun in the studio, boys.”

“That’s a good decision, Kora. Come on now, Niall.” Louis clapped him on the shoulder. “Time to go sing.”

Niall waved off the two boys, telling them he’d just be another minute. “Kor, I promise, I’ll make up our honeymoon to you as soon as I can.”

I raised my brows at the blonde haired boy, suspicion sweeping over me. “What are you planning?”

He winked at me as he gave me a sly grin. “You’ll see. I have to go now. Love you! See you soon!”

“Wait, Niall!” But it was too late. He had already signed off. I sighed and rested my chin in the palm of my hand. “I love you, too….”

A knock came on my office door, followed by a certain curly haired weirdo poking her head in. “Hey, love. Oops! Sorry. Are you talking to Ni?”

I closed my laptop and looked up at Danielle, trying my best to make my smile happier than it was. “Just finished actually. What’s up?”

“I think the girls need a break for today, so I was coming to see if you wanted to go grab so Starbucks?”

“Definitely. I could use some caffeine right about now.”

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, I just wanted to get it up for y'all! I might edit it later. So yeah here it is, the first chapter of the last Di1D book! Agjvjdnbujgjfvdhvu

Okay question time: for dancers, what's the weirdest thing in your dance bag? I honestly don't think I have anything really weird. Maybe pixi stix? Would that count?

For non-dancers: What's the weirdest thing in your school bag? Mine once again, is probably pixi stix. I'm hypoglycemic so I have to keep my sugar up so yeah...

Hope y'all enjoyed! Peaceskies! xx Shel

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