Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The first week after my surgery consisted of daily Twitcams as I wasn’t allowed to move around too much and sitting on the floor in my living room was better than sitting in bed all day. I’m surprised none of the viewers got bored but they seemed to enjoy the constant Q and A’s and sing alongs with 5sos. Niall was at the studio working on their next album most the time and Danielle had taken over the studio in my absence so these four boys were basically my only friends. I didn’t mind at all though, I actually learned I really enjoyed their company. Especially since my mom was here and they gave me a break from her nagging and hovering. They might act like toddlers sometimes, but they all had such kind hearts and were such genuine boys. I understood why Niall liked them so much.

Today, Ashton was my only guest on the video and the viewers didn’t hesitate to bombard us with questions about the others’.

“Michael wasn’t feeling well so he stayed at our house-yes, we do actually have a house here in London,” Ashton answered. He was sat next to me on the carpet with his head rested on my shoulder, yawning nearly every time he opened his mouth. He wasn’t feeling that great either, but he didn’t want me alone so he came out anyway.

“And Niall, Calum, and Luke went to a Liverpool and Manchester match I think. So it’s just me and Ash today.”

“We’re the boring ones, sorry.” He laughed and gestured to the view count that had dropped. “Look! Some people actually do think that.”

I crossed my arms over my chest and pushed my lips into a pout. “Well then. We’ll have to prove them wrong and make this the most interesting Q and A we can.”  

Ashton jumped up, nearly knocking me over in his haste, his exhaustion forgotten for the moment. “I have an idea!” He shouted as he ran toward mine and Niall’s room.

“Ashton! What do you think you’re doing in there? Frick.” I looked around for my crutches but they were too far out of my reach for me to be able to use them. “Irwin! That’s a private bedroom! Mom, can you see what he’s doing? Frick, he’s like a child.” My mom got up from her spot on the couch and followed the hall to my room, a smirk on her face. She clearly found this amusing, but having Ashton in my room made me uncomfortable.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. “You seriously cannot control that boy. He’s like a four year old with ADD. Irwin, you better not be messing anything up!”

A minute later my mom came dragging Ashton our of my room with a stack of my costumes in his arms and a tutu around his waist. I gaped at him when he dropped the costumes in my lap and beamed at me. That’s when I noticed he also had a tiara on his head, causing his curls to stick to his forehead. He looked ridiculous, but somehow managed to pull the look off at the same time. He was like a ballerina drag queen or something.

“What the frick?” I couldn’t contain the giggles that burst through my lips. The sight of him in my white platter tutu with a rhinestone crown on was just too much. “You’re going to stretch out my tutu you prick!”

“Kora!” My mother scolded me. I forgot she was even the room and that she would still correct me if I said something she deemed inappropriate. I mouthed sorry at her before looking back up at the boy standing in front of me.

“You’re an extremely tiny person, did you know that?” Ashton turned his back to me to show me that all three of the clasps were undone and half his butt was hanging out of the tutu. Thank God he still had his jeans on, otherwise we would’ve had a whole other problem to sort out.

“Well, duh. I’m short and you’re practically a giant. Which is why you’re going to ruin my tutu.”

He put his hands on his hips then flipped his hair as he struck a pose. “But aren’t I fabulous? There are ruffles on my butt and everything!”

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