Help me out?

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Hey my lovelies!

So, by the title you may have figured out I'm stuck again. Now don't freak out yet, this isn't like last time where I disappeared for a year and people thought I was dead. That's not the case at all. Basically, I have ideas but they're for later in the story and I'm having trouble building up to those points. This is where you guys come in. I was wondering, what do you guys want to see? Is there a scene that you've been dying to read that I have never written? Is there some big idea you have for the progress of DtD that you'd absolutely love for me to use? I'm free from school now, so I'm free to do these things and I would really love to get you guys involved in finishing this final installment of the series.

So, what do ya say? Care to help me out?

If you do, please leave a comment below or message me and I will gladly do my best to incorporate your ideas. I'll even give a shout out to the person who comes up with scenes I end up using. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

One reminder: just keep my writing style and what you guys know I write about in mind, okay? Basically, no sex scenes ;)

Thanks for any help, Seashells! It will really mean a lot!

xx Shel

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