Chapter One.

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"I don't know why they ordered me to stand down. Those were my brothers out there. Dying. Needlessly." -Captain Cuir, Second Battle for Geonosis.

"CAPTAIN, YOU WILL STAND DOWN!!!!!" Cuir ignored the General's direct order. Or, as far as everyone else was concerned, a direct order. They didn't want any mongrels reporting on them. The general had secretly met with him and told him the situation. A Clone Platoon was pinned down, under heavy fire, and suffering extreme casualties. A Jedi was with them, but he was tiring rapidly. He was to go alone and use his sniping skills to, as the general put it, "thin the herd." He knew survival was slim. But he had to try. His vod were down there. He had to help them. He slipped on his helmet and heard two people walk behind him. He knew their walk. Privates Ali and Buir. He was called Buir because the entire squad looked up to him as a father figure. "Boys, you don't need to do this." As was his custom with orders he wouldn't follow, Ali gave him an arcane and rude hand gesture. His sense of loyalty and family was astounding, even for a clone. That's why they called him Ali. Short for aliite. The Mando'a word for family. He knew they would keep following him. However, he was surprised to see Cegal reclining against the LAARTY. He was nicknamed Cegal since it was shortened Mando for buy'ce, since he never removed his helmet if he could help it. The result of a fight with a commando Droid gone bad. He nearly lost his eye. Cegal offered a nod and stood at attention. Cuir wondered where Tats was. He and Cegal were almost inseparable. Tats was a good cook, claimed he made tatsushi once out of a Kaminii. But the five of them would pose a problem. Or, more accurately, several. He was supposed to take a single speeder for a quick exfil when he was done. But FIVE speeders. Quiet would be a problem. But then the answer presented itself. Apparently, word of the platoon had spread. A pair of pilots saluted and approached him. "SIR!!! We have a pair of gunships ready for evac and a walker ready to protect our exfil. Ready when you are, sir." Well, good news is great news.

"PILOT!!! STOW THAT SHIP!!!!" The general was really laying it on thick.


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