Chapter Eleven

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They all loaded into the gunships. Everyone. No one gets left behind. Cuir made sure he was the last to get on the gunships. And they ran. They ran from the field upon which their brothers died. They approached a hill and saw the AT-TE pinned down by Separatist tanks, taking heavy fire. Captain Cuir turned to his exhausted and cramped brothers and said "SHALL WE HELP THEM?!!" A unanimous "HOORAH" gave him the answer he wanted. The gunships plunged into the fray. Cegal offered up his favorite battlecry: "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur!!!" Today is a good day for someone else to die. Mando'a to the core, the troopers repeated his cry and loaded their weapons. Blood would be shed today, and it wouldn't be theirs. The gunships flew in behind the AT-TE and laid waste to the forces behind it. The clones rappeled from the belly of the gunships, firing at anything that moved. Cuir ran up to the walker and jumped in, seeing that the walker was piloted by only a private and an injured gunner. "Are we sure glad to see you, brother. I thought we'd bit the bacta out here this time."

"No one is left behind, soldier. No one." Cuir nodded to the gunner and then he plugged into the comm, transmitting over loudspeaker to the CIS forces: "I hope you weren't planning on taking our toys from us. We get very grumpy when people do that." As if on cue, Cegal, Ali, and Buir stood up on top of the walker's cabin and sprayed the area with laser fire, pushing back any and all advancing forces.

Cuir pulled up a holographic map of the surrounding area, including Droid placements. He used his training to strategically place troops and realized, with one swift movement, they can crush the tinnies surrounding them and escape. With reinforcements. It all hinged on whether or not Cegal, being a technician, could re-purpose the droids they kill to defend them. Confident he could, Cegal sulked and placed down his weapon with all the care of a doting father placing his child in a crib. He drew the commando pistols he carried in his Kama and spun them on his fingers. "Let's welcome the clankers to our party, featuring a laser light show."

Captain CuirWhere stories live. Discover now