Chapter Six

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Cuir had been in a gunship crash on Geonosis before. He, the Jedi, and Galle were the only ones to walk away. That was a bad day for him. He had fallen out of a Gunship with some Senator, rescued three Jedi, lost his entire squad, and ended up in a bacta bath for a week. He shuddered at the thought of the slimy liquid. The smell stuck in his nostrils for days. Cegal returned and nodded, signifying the perimeter was secure and mined for defense. Tats moaned and tried to move. Buir rushed over to him and held him down. He removed Tats' helmet and explained the situation to him. Tats eyes grew wide, but he stayed calm. Cegal knelt down next to him, comforting him and speaking quietly to him. Ali spoke to the pilots about what happened. Apparently, some Geonosian ships had taken potshots at them and damaged their gunship. It might be repairable, but it would take some time. And with Tats' injury, time was something they didn't have. They could try the comms, but with all the metal in the surrounding canyon, getting a signal out would be difficult at best. Impossible at worst. However, they might be able to get a signal out if they climbed to the top of the canyon. Cuir decided he would do it. He knew Buir needed to stay behind, Cegal could help the pilots, Ali was in shock, and Tats was injured. Plus, as an extraordinary sniper, he could provide some cover if necessary. And knowing the sheer number of enemy forces on this dustball of a planet, it might be necessary. He started the climb then realized someone was behind him. Or something!!!  He drew a pistol and turned around to see Cegal staring up at him. On hand on a rock, one hand holding his twenty plus pound chaingun. "No. Turn around and protect them. Cegal you need to stay with Tats."

"Cap. Tats is fine. YOU'RE the one who needs help. You know what is out there. You think you can kill one of those cat things? They're stalkers. Silent killers and there are more around. I'M coming with you." He hoisted himself up with his hand and use swung the gun so he can leap a bit higher and grab a better handhold. "Besides, I've know how to kill them." Cegal had a point. Cuir sighed and launched a grappling hook to the top and hooked it to Cegal and hooked another to himself. At least he could talk to Cegal about something that was bugging him.

Captain Cuirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें