Chapter Eight

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Cuir heard Cegal pause. He hoisted himself over the edge and saw what made Cegal stop. The other gunships. . . ALL of them had been shot down. Those cat things, which his helmet identified as Neku, crawled among the wreckage. One crept too close to a partially upright Gunship and received a party gift: a blaster bolt to the face. So there were survivors. The Neku pack hissed and backed away. But dark was approaching. Soon, survivors would be bodies. And bodies would be dead brothers. Cuir motioned to Cegal. He nodded and they moved in silently. They sent out a local notice. All survivors appeared on their motion sensors. 12 total. Little over a full squad. They all rallied at the cliff and managed to collect the dead and injured. They brought up the rest of their team and got everyone in two gunships that crashed together perfectly, creating double the hold place. A total of 19 men. 3 were injured. Night had fallen. The screams of the cats started. Soon, the night would be fire.

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