Chapter Five

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Real quick before I start the chapter I'd like to thank you all for 1k reads! The reason I'm so happy is because I've been the laziest ass, so I feel like I don't deserve even that much XD

But anyway, I hope you enjoy this well deserved chapter!


Soul's POV


The sound of the bell signaling the end of the day's final lessons was music to my ears as I leapt up from my seat and bounded towards the door. I did not bother waiting for Maka figuring she would ask Stein a-bazillion questions about extra reading material like she always does.

"Yo, Soul! Why are you in such a hurry? Weren't we going to go play some basketball after class?" A certain bluenette practically screamed in my ear. I jumped, not realizing the energetic assassin had already managed to catch up with me. I mean, I figured I'd get at least as far as the front steps before he would come running at me!

"C'mon, Soul! You can't deny your benevolent god a good ol' game of b-ball, can ya?" He pushed, nudging my side with an ink-stained elbow.

"Aww jeez, Black*Star, you're getting your signature all over my jacket!" I moaned rather lazily, dabbing at the stain. "Look, I've got other things to do today, okay? Last minute things. I'll see you around, kay?"

The assassin frowned slightly, sticking out his lower lip in a pathetic pout.

"That only works on Tsubaki, idiot. Go flirt with a monkey or something. At least that's your own species," I mumbled, pushing past him to reach the front doors. I heard a grunt of offense from behind me but only smirked as I escaped into the bright daylight. I breathed in a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled slowly, peering around for any signs of the ebony-haired shinigami who still had yet to make an appearance at school.

"Yo, Soul!" A voice came from my right. Great, not another one...

It was Ox. He waved me down, still shouting, causing everyone in his path to stare and laugh at what a fool he was making himself out to be. I face-palmed, my cheeks heating up with the added attention I was receiving. "That idiot," I muttered, "It's no wonder Kim refuses to go out with him."

When Ox finally reached where I as standing, he doubled over, out of breath. I stood there awkwardly as he held up one finger, signaling me to wait.

"Aren't you a Meister, Ox? Shouldn't you be used to that much physical exertion?" I asked, a sweatdrop forming above my head as I gazed upon the gangly student beneath me.

"Y-Yeah," he gasped, finally standing up to face me. "But Harvar and I were doing some intense exercise practices to boost up our strength a bit. Maka mentioned a position that I should try out sometime, but I forgot what it was. You know where she is, by chance?"

"She's in the classroom still, with Dr. Stein." I stared at him unamused. He studied my face for a second, browe furrowing.

"You look like you're kinda distracted, Soul. Are you looking for someone as well?" He pressed, leaning a little dangerously close to my face. I grimaced, pushing him away slightly before answering.

"Yeah, actually. I'm looking for Kid. He didn't show up for class, today, and I know I saw him in front of the main steps before school started. I'm a bit worried he got caught up by someone," I admitted. Ox only looked more confused.

"But Kid is, well, Kid! A shinigami shouldn't have gotten held up by some lame goons looking for a fight, right? I mean, he managed to beat you and Black*Star, right?" Ox smirked, crossing his arms. I blushed slightly, frowning. "But I heard it was pretty much decided before it started anyway. Guess it wasn't much of a fight, huh?"

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