Chapter Six

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Okay, on with your well deserved chapter!


The Hospital Visit: Where Is My Daddy When I Need Him Most?

Third Person POV

Soul's deep red stare remained trained on the projection, his eyes filled with both sadness and anger at what he was seeing.

Kid's mother, who had parked her car on the side of the road beside the hospital, took no interest in ensuring her child's safety as she dragged him from the vehicle and into the building. The albino's fists clenched at the small child's ignorant mother.

"Hello, yes, I'm Wynter Garne. My son is very sick. Would you please help him? I wouldn't want my poor little baby to suffer for much longer," the woman told the receptionist at the front desk, her words drenched in fake concern. Kid's multi-colored eyes looked confusedly up at his mother. Why was she acting so nice all of the sudden? What happened to the cold shoulder he was receiving in the car? The group heard a small voice say; it was unmistakably Kid's thoughts.

The receptionist took one look at the sickly child and immediately waved over a passing doctor.

"Right away, ma'am. Dr. Kart is available right now." She spoke with a light tone, her cherry colored lips lifting into a smile at the shy boy. Kid's face tilted downward sheepishly as his mother dragged him in pursuit of the doctor, who had instructed them to follow him to a room on the second floor. The trio reached an elevator and stepped inside rather quickly, falling into a hushed silence as the doors slid shut.

"So, what's your name, little boy?" The doctor finally started, leaning forward to look into Kid's small face. The toddler looked up, multi-colored eyes brimming with caution, exhaustion, and slight hope. He attempted to open his mouth and speak, but-

"His name's Kid, Dr. He seemed to have caught a cold," Kid's mother interrupted. She ignored the almost annoyed face the doctor took on at the fact that she hadn't let her son speak, but instead carried on without a care in the world.

"No checkup is necessary, I just need you to prescribe something for us. No need to trouble you, right?"

The doctor frowned, shaking his head as the elevator dinged and the doors opened up to a floral-wallpapered hallway. The floor tiles gleamed in the bright light streaming from the skylight overhead. Kid's eyes widened in wonder at the sight of the snippet of beautiful blue sky he could see. He didn't look up much often.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but a full checkup is necessary to allow me to prescribe any sort of medicine to you. And if Kid has any severe illnesses, which I fear he might, he will have to stay for even longer than that," the doctor stated as-a-matter-of-fact-ly. Wynter, Kid's mother, paused for a moment before flashing a completely forced smile at his words.

"Alright, doctor, whatever you want," she muttered through gritted teeth.

"What is she thinking?" Black*Star demanded all of a sudden, slamming his fist into a nearby cross. "Does she want Kid to die?!"

The rest of the group shared a sullen expression. That was one thing that came out if Black*Star's mouth that actually made sense. Tsubaki buried her face in her hands.

"This is awful," they could hear her whisper. "She is awful."

"Awful indeed," Lord Death agreed, staring angrily at the woman on the projection. Closer to the bottom, Kid stood shivering slightly, as he attempted to cover his bare arms. His gaze was still trained on the snippet of crisp blue sky trapped in the skylight. If only I could just fly away from here, I might be happy or safe. Would I even be missed down here on the ground?

"Come along, Kid. Don't straggle," Kid's mother suddenly lectured, pulling on his arm. He jolted slightly in surprise and looked down the hallway only to see that the doctor was already far down the way, standing in front of his clinic. The child made a small humming noise for an apology and ran as quick as he could with his small legs and current health condition.

Inside the clinic, the walls were almost bare except for a painting of a serene beach scene and covered in pink-themed floral wallpaper. Kid scrunched up his nose at the color; he hated pink. Well, he hated all shades of red in general, but that was beside the point. Wynter, however, took his reaction rathe poorly and yanked at his shirt to hurry him along.

"Complaining about being at the doctor's, are you? Ungrateful child...~" She trailed off, clicking her tongue and dragging him after the doctor into one of the patient rooms. She picked him up and placed him atop the checkup bed, sitting in a chair across the room afterwards. The child's mother rested her head in her hand, looking off into the distance with a bored expression.

She couldn't meet his multicolored eyes; Kid frowned.

"Okay, well, how's about we start with your temperature?" The doctor exclaimed after talking something into his computer. The woman at the back of the small room glanced at him before nodding slightly and returning her fixed gaze to a point on the wall. The doctor rolled his eyes, annoyed at her obviously careless actions.

What a long day this would be.


It was determined after a thorough checkup and a few tests that Kid had contracted a rather serious form of the flu that was partially mixed with hypothermia and something else unrecognizable. The doctor, after realizing this woman's son was somehow a Grim Reaper, explained that this mix was a kind of illness that reapers could contract with even the smallest bit of stimulant. It was rare, indeed, but to Kid's mother, having put him in front of that air conditioner clearly was not the best decision.

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking, if this boy is a shinigami, then his father must be Lord Death, correct?" The doctor pried, looking up at Wynter from over his computer.

The woman sent a glare his way and cleared her throat, saying, "I really don't like to talk about it, about him. So, if you would please refrain from any further questions on the matter, that would be greatly appreciated."

The doctor apologized and went back to his work. As Wynter yet again began daydreaming in her own little world, Kid twiddled his stubby little thumbs and tried his best not to start whimpering.

Lord Death? Is he my daddy? Kid thought, sneaking a glance at his mother.

If that's true, why isn't he here to keep me safe?

Soul's eyes widened, his heart breaking at Kid's small, scared little voice. The child had never known his father, never known his warm embrace, or any warmth at all. That was a cruelty the albino could hardly bear to watch.

The image faded away, and a new date flashed on the screen. It was three days later, and Kid was at home, laying on the coach in his mother's apartment with a blanket and a worn expression. He lifted his small hand to cover his mouth as he coughed violently. It almost seemed like he was ready to throw up.

At her computer, Kid's mother winced There wasn't a single darned air conditioner on this time; she made certain. If she was interrupted from her work one more time she might "accidentally" forget to make dinner for the sickly child on the couch. Serves him right. It's a fair punishment.

Lord Death was utterly outraged at these thoughts.

"Starving my son, are you? You witch! You're the one who'll rot for eternity!" He bellowed, standing up all of the sudden and storming off into the field of cross-shaped grave markers. Soul reached up and was just about to shut off the projector when the image was directed on Kid's bleak expression. His eyes were void of light, the only emotion portrayed being sadness and despair.

Lord daddy...please me...~ His thoughts whispered.

Soul pulled the plug, unable to watch any further.

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