Chapter Four

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Closet of Pain: Where on Earth Did Kid Go This Morning?

Kid's POV
You're going to be so late I thought as I rushed down the stairs of Gallows Manor. A bowl of Lucky Charms sat forgotten on the kitchen table. Without time for breakfast, I quickly rushed past.

Sorry girls My mind whirred. If this idiot had gotten up earlier I would be eating the breakfast you left for me. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

I threw open one of the huge, oak doors to my home and darted outside into the bright morning light. My feet carried me down the stairs and across the front yard, my hand fumbling to summon Beelzebub at the same time. I jumped on as soon as it clattered to the ground and took off at a neck breaking speed, eyes watering in the wind of the morning. I took in a deep breath of air and calmed my nerves, adjusting the book bag on my shoulder to better rest it there.

I almost wanted to turn back as soon as I caught sight of the enormous, castle-like structure that was my father's school, to squeeze my eyes shut and never open then again. Just as I landed a good few meters away from the infamous front staircase, I heard a voice.

For God sakes Kid, get a grip on yourself.

It was my mind again

I bet a less useless soul wouldn't have been late...

"Stop," I moaned out softly.

...wouldn't have skipped breakfast...

"Quit it, will you?" I was louder this time.

...wouldn't let anyone see those ugly eyes of yours...

"SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!" I screamed in spite of myself, clenching my fists as if I was going to punch the nonexistent voice that bullied me until my brain shorted out.

"Hey, you okay, Kid? It really isn't cool to yell like that. Not this early in the morning, anyway." I heard a familiar voice chuckle.

I spun around on my heels instantly only to meet those deep, red eyes in a stare-off.

It was him. The albino. The shark-toothed, too-cool-for-school slacker. Soul "Eater" Evans.

The one and only person I had a major crush on.

I felt a light blush rise to my cheeks at the very thought. "I-I'm just fine, thanks." Thank god I was standing in the shadows, or he might have noticed my eyes.

Oooh, look, it's the reaper's little cruuuuush!

My eye twitches with annoyance, the urge to yell once again very strong. Soul raised an eyebrow and moved closer towards me.

"You sure? You don't look too good," he spoke softly, raising a hand to my cheek. It was an innocent gesture of concern, but it sent my heart racing a mile a minute. "You're face is all red and you're a bit too sweaty than you should be, Kid. You should go see Nygus or something."

I only nodded, the blush on my cheeks darkening even further.

"Well, I hope you feel better. See you in class, Kid-kun!" Soul called over his shoulder as he began up the steps. A breath I didn't even know I was holding escaped my lips and I sank to the ground, leaning up against a low brick wall for support.

Oh my Death, if you do that everytime you talk to him, he's never going to consider even being your friend. Freak...

I flinched, the words that it said hitting me hard every time it spoke. But I have to get over it. I have no get over him, because there's no way in the entire damn universe he'd ever like me like that.

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