Chapter Three

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A Missing Technician: The Trio of Partners Now Down to Two?

As early morning rays peeked over the distant horizon, an all too familiar assassin and his weapon strolled through the streets of Death City. The bluenette was lost in his thoughts, replaying last night's events over again as he walked. Tsubaki kept quiet, though her concern remained; Black*Star never thought this hard or kept quiet for this long about anything. There's something bothering him, but its best not to pry, she thought, her brow furrowing slightly. Her meister let out a soft yawn and stretched his arms high into the air.

"Hey, Tsubaki," he said, half turning to look at his partner, "Do you think Kid will be in school today?"

"Well, considering he's a shinigami and rarely ever gets sick, as long as he doesn't have a symmetry meltdown he should be there like usual. Why are you asking?" Tsubaki tilted her head to get a better view of the bluenette's shadowy expression.

"No particular reason, I was just curious," he responded as casually as he could. Luckily, Tsubaki didn't suspect a thing, and so Black*Star went back to his thinking.

"If shinigamis hardly ever get sick, then why did Baby Kid get sick in the memory last night?" He wondered aloud. A painful expression had crossed his sharp features.

"Well, I suppose that a baby shinigami might not be as strong as a grown one. And besides, he was sitting in front of that air conditioner for a long time." His female partner responded after pondering on the question for some time. She thought it made sense, but she honestly had no idea. Had Kid always been slightly weaker compared to the rest of his kind? What were shinigami babies really like?

All these questions spiraled into Tsubaki's mind before she had a chance to calm down. Today's classes were sure going to feel like an eternity, that's for sure. Neither the Meister nor his Weapon could wait for their next session with Shinigami-sama.

Back at Gallows Manor, things weren't looking so bright. Patty and Liz normally woke up to the sound of Kid's early morning OCD attacks, but on this particular morning the mansion was silent. And as a result, the sisters were late in getting prepared for the school day. If they hadn't been so busy they would have noticed that Kid was still nowhere to be seen.

"Hey sis," Patty finally spoke up at the kitchen table. "Did'ja notice Kid hasn't been around? I wonder if he slept through his alarm. Silly Kiddo," she laughed. Liz frowned; it wasn't like their Meister to simply "sleep" through his alarm at exactly 6 am. Never had he once broken from his usual routine since the sisters had joined up with him as partners. However obsessive it may have seemed, it was just the way Kid was.

But this day felt different, and the older Thompson sister couldn't quite put her finger on why. The pair had eventually given up on knocking on Kid's mysteriously locked door and just assumed he'd already left for school on Beezelbub.

"I suppose we should just get to school, Patty. He should be fine without us for a day," Liz sighed as they made their way down the street. "Okaaaay!" Patty chirped happily, pulling crayons and a pad of paper out of thin air and getting to work on yet another animal drawing. The older sister rolled her eyes and gazed down at her perfectly painted nails. Just the night before Kid had insisted that she allow him to do them. He reasoned that if she were to be his weapon partner she should have perfectly symmetrical nail polish to maintain their "balance". Liz had just figured it was his way of politely saying she would screw it up without his help.
However, he seemed perfectly fine then. Why would he all of the sudden disappear this morning? Liz shook her head to rid her mind of any thoughts of Kid. If I continue to worry so much I'll get wrinkles, she thought.

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