Chapter Eight

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I feel like these author's notes should just automatically come with an apology, because I AM THE BIGGEST JERK EVER...(more like the laziest twat to ever exist)

I really am regretful that I haven't been updating my wattpad stories as frequently as I used to. If you had told me two years ago that my updates came every couple of months, I would have been REALLY surprised and even saddened at my fourteen year old (now fifteen as of December 5th) self and her lack of dedication and perseverance.

I honestly don't deserve you guys. Thank you so much for staying with me here on this.

(I do have to warn you that there is just a bit of strong language and some offensive slurs used in this chapter. Just a fair warning, not trying to offend anyone. I'm also not promoting the behavior, either. Stay kind and innocent, children <3)

Kid's POV

I cannot deny the fact that even though I am trying my hardest to keep my cool around the boy currently beside me, my heart is racing. I also cannot deny that my body hurts terribly. Everywhere.

I think he's noticed by now that I haven't once walked without a limp since waking up, but maybe he is just trying to be polite. I really hope that is the case, anyway.

"So, Kid, what exactly do you want to do today?" Said boy inquired, glancing over at me as he did so. I returned the gaze and thought for a moment. What do I want to do, now that I have the very person I have dreamed of spending a day alone with right beside me?

"Erm, well, we could go grab something to drink like you suggested. Seeing a movie would also be nice...~" I thought aloud, tapping my chin. "But it's such a lovely day; it'd be a waste to spend it indoors! The central park is usually pretty crowded around this time, but the skate park should be-" I stopped myself, hoping he had not heard that last thought.

"The skate park? you mean the one on the corner of Lemont and Coinzy?" He asked, eyebrows raised. "I've never actually been."

"Uh, we don't need to go if you don't want to!" I quickly reeled back on myself, arms waving in front of me. "It's more of something I do by myself when I have nothing else to do! It just came to me as an idea...because there usually isn't anyone there right around now...~" My voice trailed off. He grinned at this last remark.

"Then it's perfect! No one to bother us!" Soul exclaimed in a sing-song-y kind of a voice. He started to prace around on his tippy-toes, an action that was unusually very un-Soul-like, as he added, "You'll have to show me how to ride a skateboard though. I've always been more of a motercycle kind of a guy, unlike you, skater boy."

Despite feeling my heart lurch at the nickname, I playfully rolled my eyes, nodded, and followed him towards the park. I couldn't shake off this odd sensation in my right eye, however, that everything seemed...



Black*Star's POV

"Hmph, damn you, Soul. Ditching me so suddenly like that is so lame! A god like me doesn't deserve that kind of treatment...~" I grumbled, dragging my feet along the sidewalk as I wandered the city. Without Soul to mess around with, what was a guy like me supposed to do? I can't play basketball or make fun of the DWMA's sports jocks as they ran through the halls during cross country practice by myself! That's just no good...

My ears perked up at the sound of said friend's voice around the corner. Like the sneaky assassin I am, I crept towards the edge of the building and peered around. To my surprise, there stood not only Soul, but Kid as well. It took me a minute, but I finally realized what was going on after they mentioned going to some lame skate park.

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