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The news hit me hard, four years
Your lawyers said that you were afraid
I'm even more afraid
No matter what others say
I don't blame you
You can't do wrong in my eyes
You are my idol afterall
Your workplace is stressful
I understand
Just come back to me safely
Your brothers would have to go on without you
They looked exhausted too
Your chance to join them was taken away
And I don't know what to do
You've left me in tears
Angel what am I to do?
You're no longer in the pictures with your brothers
It feels empty
But I'll be here
I'll wait for you
I can wait patiently
Just be safe angel
And before you know it; you will be back
I will count the days till you come home again
With an open arms and maybe a bouquet as well
The wait will be worth it
Don't give up
I will pray for you every night
Stay strong angel
I got your back


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