Chapter 2

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Sitting at her desk working on her computer is Sidney Prescott. Sidney hears a noise outside her window but ignores it. She hopes to get at least get some of her work done before going to bed. She hears the noise again and decides to go check it out through her window. She then screams as a figure puts a hand on her shoulder. That figure is her boyfriend, Billy Loomis.

Billy: (Whispers) It's just me.

Sidney: (Whispers) Billy, what are you doing here?

Billy: Sorry, don't hate me. (He climbs through her window) You sleep in that? (Gestures to her white nightgown)

Sidney: Yes, I sleep in this. My dad is in the other room. You can't be in here.

Billy: I'll just stay a sec.

A knock from her door interrupts their conversation.

Sidney: (Gasps) No... you gotta go. Go, go, go.

Sidney's father, Neil, opens the door but doesn't open it all the way due to Sidney's closet blocking the door, holding it in place.

Neil: What's going on in there? (Sidney runs to the door) Are you okay?

Sidney: Can you knock?

Neil: I heard screaming.

Sidney: No, you didn't.

Neil: No?

He opens the door all the way and Sidney un-jams the closet door before closing it as her father looks around his daughter's room.

Neil: Oh, well. I'm hitting the sack. My flight leaves first thing in the morning. Now, the expo runs all weekend, so I won't be back 'till Sunday. There's cash on the table, and I'm staying at...

Sidney: The Hilton.

Neil: Out at the airport, so call if...

Sidney: I need anything, yeah, I got it.

Neil: I could've sworn I heard screaming.

Sidney smiles before giving her dad a peck on the cheek.

Sidney: Have a good trip, okay?

Neil: Sleep tight, sweetie.

Sidney then closes the door before turning around as Billy reappears holding her stuffed animal.

Billy: Close call.

Sidney: Billy, what are you doing here.

Billy: It occurred to me that... I've never snuck through your bedroom window.

Sidney: Shh, shh, shh. Great idea, now that it's out of your system-

Billy: (Walks around her room) I was home watching television, "The", uh, "The Exorcist" was on. It got me thinking of you.

Sidney: It did?

Billy: Yeah, it was edited for TV. You know all the good stuff was cut out, and it got me thinking of us. How 2 years ago we started off hot and heavy. Nice solid R-rating on our way to an NC-17. And now... things have changed and... lately we're just sort of edited for television.

Sidney: Oh, so you thought you would climb in my window and we'll have a little raw footage?

Billy: No. No, I wouldn't dream of breaking your underwear rule. I just thought maybe we could do a little on-top-of-the-clothes stuff.

Sidney: (Thinks for a moment) Okay.

Billy: Yeah?

Sidney: (Smiles) Yeah.

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